This is a friends post. Read it. This is important. This is what - TopicsExpress


This is a friends post. Read it. This is important. This is what happens when the politics of the playground play out on a national level. Its the haves against the have nots. What I cant wrap my head around is the fact that there are more have nots than haves, but somehow we allow the haves to rule this country. For some reason we continue to fail to make our voice heard by practicing our right to vote. I didnt straight share the post because Im making this post public. If you want credit for this, let me know... you know who you are. $450 billion, THats the size of the tax breaks Republicans are trying to force through Congress while were all paying attention to other things. Tax breaks that benefit poor and middle class people, like the tax credit for low income people with children, and an earned income tax credit that also helps lower income workers, these have been cut out of the package by Republicans. Yet the large breaks for the wealthy and large corporate entities have been left intact, and instead of just a one year extension of said breaks they are trying to make them permanent Per The New York Times... Left off were the two tax breaks valued most by liberal Democrats: a permanently expanded earned-income credit and a child tax credit for the working poor. Friday night, Republican negotiators announced they would exclude those measures as payback for the presidents executive order on immigration, saying a surge of newly legalized workers would claim the credit, tax aides from both parties said. The Republicans cut out tax benefits for millions and millions of people who actually need the money, because they are mad that the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free might come to America and use these tax breaks, because they are poor. Meanwhile benefits for racehorse owners are intact
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:31:19 +0000

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