This is a fun read for my Libertarian friends and my friends who - TopicsExpress


This is a fun read for my Libertarian friends and my friends who enjoy a little rhetoric morphed into insult. I met this young woman who seemed very pleasant and I will keep anonymous through a friend on FB. We decided to talk about something else and it morphed into a different discussion. If your beliefs cant stand up to discussion perhaps you should take that into consideration. 3:30pm James Tank Christensen So in your mind EVERY single worked should be able to live off a job requiring no skills and or experience? 3:31pm Person y Yes. Do you want to clean the train station toilets? No? Someone has to, and they deserve to be able to live as well. 3:33pm James Tank Christensen So you really think a small business person can start businesses knowing that he in fact is supporting the entire lifestyle of every employee? that in essence removes any competition from better employees 3:33pm Person y It worked for my dad. He founded a winery thats still in existence more than a decade after his death, and he never paid a shitty wage in his life. Better employees get paid better than minimum, of course. Workers who are valued and compensated well are more productive and more honest. 3:35pm James Tank Christensen how about workers who arent productive ? but now make the same as those who are? 3:35pm Person y They dont make the same, because they dont get raises. 3:36pm James Tank Christensen so you want to raise everyones rate of pay? 3:37pm Person y Not everyone. CEO salaries have been in an arms race for a few decades now. Id like to tie C-level salaries to the salaries of the lowest paid worker, e.g., it cant be more than 20x more, for example. 3:37pm James Tank Christensen When it comes down to it wages should be set by supply and demand. The workers at costco make more than walmart because they have more responsibility and generally more experience 3:37pm Person y And before you say it would take away the impetus for innovators and entrepreneurs, I call shenanigans, because Ive interviewed and profiled hundreds of those people, and theyre all motivated by actually succeeding, not by the promise of being a billionaire. (tank NOTE only. .001 percent of CEOs are Billionaires) 3:39pm James Tank Christensen Now you want to CUT wages for certain people like CEOs who are responsible for creating the jobs and earnings of the very people you want to support. Success means a lot of different things to different people. The CEOs I work with are under a huge amount of pressure, working twice as many hours as the average worker having spent their lives getting to where they are 3:40pm James Tank Christensen We should probably cut the wages of athletes too right? Heck they work a lot less than CEOs? 3:40pm Person Y Thats a red herring and you know it. 3:41pm James Tank Christensen no i dont...youre saying CEOs are paid too much when 86 percent of them are paid less than pro athletes and are responsible for a lot more average workers. 3:43pm Person y The two situations are not connected, and fixing one would have no effect on the other. I dont love that pro athletes are paid so excessively, but Im not particularly sure how to fix that. 3:45pm James Tank Christensen YOU dont fix that ...its all a market effect. When there is a limited amount of individuals with extreme talent (whether it is athletic, or business) the market decides what they are worth. The idea that any citizen should be able to limit their income is no different than if I decide you shouldn’t have a nice car and so I take it from you. 3:46pm Person y So CEOs are worth literally hundreds of times more than their workers? They must be AMAZING. In other words, oh come on. (Tank NOTE : You usually get this response from folks that have never had to manage over 1000 employees ) 3:48pm James Tank Christensen Is a rolls royce worth 1000 times more than a yugo? Not to me.,but Im not buying the car. The same goes for the board of directors hiring the ceo. Youre saying that the board shouldnt be allowed to hire the person they want at the price they want. 3:49pm Person y Person Y The idea that any citizen should be able to limit their income is no different than if I decide you should have a nice car and so I take it from you. This is incredibly disingenuous. In what world is it no different? 3:49pm James Tank Christensen It goes back to - how does someone elses decision affect you? 3:49pm Person y I DO believe the board should have constraints. They have all kinds of other constraints, why not that one? 3:49pm James Tank Christensen Its THEIR company - you think they should have constraints on how they spend THEIR money? 3:50pm Person y YES. (Tank highlighted because I was shocked) Because this is not a three-year-olds pretend kingdom. 3:50pm James Tank Christensen That to me is crazy 3:50pm Person y You to me are crazy. James Tank Christensen What kind of world do we live in when freedom is a crazy concept? 3:50pm James Tank Christensen That is the epitome of freedom YOU get to do what you want with your property 3:50pm Person y Thats not the kind of freedom our founding fathers envisioned at all, frankly. 3:51pm Person y Wait, are you a libertarian? I dont argue with libertarians, because they stopped progressing mentally in 7th grade. (Tank Note = insults are the last resort when you have nothing else to stand on) 3:56pm James Tank Christensen oh come on...your argument is an insult to not discuss things with libertarians? BTW the 5th Amendment is very clear on property rights nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation Seen 3:57pm And then she unfriended me..
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 23:44:25 +0000

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