This is a general prayer of deliverance from any bad spirits or - TopicsExpress


This is a general prayer of deliverance from any bad spirits or evil influences of the present or the past, including any vices such as pride, and self-righteousness. You can also include with this prayer any other vices you know you may be battling with. Lord Jesus, You promised in Your Word that I can seek You and find You when I search for You with all my heart! (Jer.29:13) So Lord, I now cry out to You with a WHOLE heart, and I ask You to please hear my prayer and give me the deliverance I seek! You said, They looked unto Him and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed.-This poor man cried and the Lord HEARD him and SAVED him out of all his troubles! -- Psa.34:5,6. Lord, You told us to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us! Jesus, I now submit myself to You! Please forgive me for any and all unyieldedness, unwillingness, hardness of heart or resistance to You and Your Spirit! I ask You, Lord, to please Create in me a CLEAN heart, O God; and renew a RIGHT spirit within me! -- Psa.51:10. I cant do it myself, I cant get the victory, without YOU I can do NOTHING! But I can do ALL things through YOU, Lord, Who strengtheneth me! (Jn.15:5; Phil.4:13) So I present myself to You now, Lord Jesus, my ALL, and I ask You to empower me and cleanse me from everything and anything that is not of You! -- I dont want ANYTHING thats not of YOU, JESUS! I just want YOU, Jesus! I rebuke and resist you, Devil, in Jesus Name! God DAMN you, Satan, get out of here! Im the LORDS child, I belong solely to Him! Theres NO foothold for you here, in Jesus name! I will not tolerate it, I will have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness! (Eph.5:11) DEPART from me, Satan! I REBUKE you in the Name of Jesus! Lord Jesus, You said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isa.59:19) But You also said that we should do OUR part. You said, RESIST the Enemy and he shall flee from thee! (Jam.4:7) Im not just being passive, Lord, expecting YOU to do it all -- I am here and now, FIGHTING the good fight of faith! -- Resisting my adversary the Devil! And trusting YOU, Lord Jesus, to deliver me from him and all of his devices!-1Tim.6:12; 1Pet.5:9. Give the victory, Lord, in Jesus Name! I REBUKE you, Satan! God DAMN you, Devil, in the Name of Jesus! You promised, Lord Jesus, that whatsoever we would bind on Earth would be bound in Heaven! (Mat.18:18) -- So I BIND all the power of the Devil right now and I command him to get OUT, to get AWAY from me, from this house, from this property, from this neighbourhood, never to return, in Jesus name! I Know that you are the Victor, Jesus! For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that He might DESTROY the works of the Devil! (1Jn.3:8), and You have defeated the Devil ALREADY! Satan TREMBLES when he sees even the WEAKEST saint upon his knees! -- So even though Im weak and helpless and have no power of my own, Greater are You (Jesus) within me than he (Satan) which is within the World. -- 1Jn.4:4. I have YOU, Jesus, so I ask YOU to rebuke and drive away the God-damned Devil and any and all of his imps! God damn you little devils in Jesus Name! I DEFEAT you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I CURSE you in the Name of Jesus Christ! I RESIST you in the Name of Jesus Christ! In Jesus name I COMMAND you to depart, in the Name of JESUS I COMMAND you to depart, I resist you in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke you, evil spirits, whoever or whatever you are, in Jesus name! In the Name of Jesus! The Lord shall DELIVER me from EVERY evil work, and will preserve me unto His Heavenly Kingdom! And He Who hath begun a good work in me will PERFORM it until the day of Jesus Christ! (2Tim.4:18; Phil.1:6) -- So get OUT of here, Devil! I dont want ANYTHING to do with you, and I RESIST you, Satan, in Jesus name! Lord Jesus, deliver me from every device of the Devil, from all of his evil machinations! For Thou, O Lord, hast NOT given me a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and of a SOUND MIND! For perfect love casts out ALL fear, so I ask You to cast out and remove EVERY influence of the Devil, in Jesus name! Amen! (2Tim.1:7; 1Jn.4:18) Destroy the power of the Devil, Lord Jesus, whatever influence he has had, ANY hangovers or remnants of his power or influence, I ask You to remove and destroy it in Jesus name! Cast it OUT and cast it AWAY from here and get RID of it, Lord, FOREVER! Praise You Lord! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Please help me and deliver me, Lord Jesus! -- Im so weak, but I call unto You and ask YOU to be strong IN and FOR me! For when I am weak, then am I strong, for YOUR strength is made perfect in my weakness! For we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of GOD and not of us! -- 2Cor.12.9:10; 4:7. Show THY power, Lord, Thy excellency and Thy strength, in Jesus name! LORD JESUS HEAR US AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:11:37 +0000

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