This is a great example of two major problems, among many others, - TopicsExpress


This is a great example of two major problems, among many others, that plague our society today... First of all, people need to start taking responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children! If you would get off your ass and discipline him, you would have never gotten to this point, not to mention the fact that the police are not there for you to teach your son a lesson. The police are there to protect the people from danger and serve them in times of crisis and emergency. Second, the police need to reign in their power-hungry officers who so quickly jump to using lethal force. Just because he wouldnt turn the truck off, there was no need to fire shots into the cab of the truck. You could have easily shot out the tires of the truck to prevent him from driving away, making the truck useless to cause any harm to others. If he was unarmed like his father says, and I believe, then he would have realized he was out of options and had to surrender. But then again, I go back to my first point, if his father had chosen to take action himself and discipline his son, we would have never had this tragedy. I dont know about anyone else, but I would have never considered stealing my parents car because they wouldnt give me something I wanted. I knew what would happen if I got into trouble or did something I wasnt supposed to. Im just pissed off that people are so lazy that shit like this happens... Discipline your kids and maybe, just maybe theyll quit acting like little douche bags!!! gawker/dad-calls-cops-on-son-to-teach-him-a-lesson-cops-shoot-1460159897?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_twitter&utm_source=gawker_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:09:04 +0000

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