This is a great post by Lisa Torres Allen. Chances are, it - TopicsExpress


This is a great post by Lisa Torres Allen. Chances are, it applies to you. [Just to set the stage, quite often when people make a decision to join our team, they think just by purchasing the products and attending the events theyll somehow magically start making money. However, theres WORK involved. And, theres a pretty good chance the actual work involved isnt what you were thinking! Enjoy!] ------------------ ***Im keeping this persons name anonymous for privacy reasons But I thought this was important enough to share*** Just had a heart to heart with one of my ALL IN members (who has been ALL IN for a year now).....and still has not done anything in the business. Has all the training courses, goes to all of the events, doesnt show up to hangouts/calls, lacks motivation...and still has not done anything in her business. And I am sharing this because I know there are tons of people still sitting in this SAME boat as her. So if this snip it of conversation can help be it! So, here it goes..... She said she needed to be PUSHED.... My response was this: You dont need to be PUSHED. What you are lacking is PASSION. Passion should PUSH you. Not me! I can only INSPIRE you And then she said...:I want this so bad... My response was: I need to be PUSHED ,,,, ....and I want this so bad... a contradiction! If you wanted it that bad you wouldnt need a push. Anyway...for whatever its worth...I hope someone reading this was inspired by this response and will help you move forward in your business. If you need to be PUSHED....then your PASSION and your WHY is just not BIG enough! Go find it!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:44:16 +0000

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