This is a lengthly but great story By Molly O. That’s right, you - TopicsExpress


This is a lengthly but great story By Molly O. That’s right, you heard me, I quit. And I’m going to tell you why, but first let me explain a few things. Just over a year ago I began using Plexus products. Leading up to that moment, I had struggled on every level with my health and weight. I was only 38, but had recently been told that my test results looked like that of a 70 year old woman. I guess that is better then a 70 year old man if you want to find the silver lining in this. My hormones looked like a woman past menopause, I was in stage 4 adrenal failure, my cholesterol was 240, my blood pressure was 140/90, the protein that shows inflammation in your body was off the charts, I was getting migraines 3-4 times a week and my face was a land mind of cystic acne. Oh did I mention how overweight I was? Even though I was eating a Gluten Free and Vegan diet along with exercise. I just continued to gain weight and get sicker. It was truly a battle I didn’t think I would ever winSo along comes Plexus. Within days I started to feel better. While the scale didn’t necessarily move that much, the inches started to melt off and my energy was returning. My skin cleared up and over the next 3 months my migraines all but disappeared, my cholesterol dropped down to 170 and my blood pressure was 110/70. The constant arthritis type pain in my feet, ankles, knees, back and hands started to improve as well. So much so that I was able to walk down our stairs by alternating feet instead of the one foot shuffle. Now, let me say that Plexus doesn’t promise any of these things, this is purely my observation. But it is important to tell this part of the story. So a year goes by and I’m feeling great. The weight isn’t falling off as I had hoped, but I will be honest, I didn’t really put in much effort except to mix my pink drink in the morning. As I passed my year anniversary with Plexus, I started to wonder if the “products were really still working.” It felt a little like I was just feeling average. Not bad, but not bouncing off the walls. Just good. So I decided to give myself a challenge (this is where it gets good). I declared, “I’m quitting Plexus for a week.” Now, my husband is staring at me like I’ve lost my mind. You see, I have heard him say over the last year more times then I can count, “I have my wife back” or something along the lines of “she is so nice and calm, I’ll pick up extra shifts if I have to so she can order Plexus every month.” Would you like a translation on that one? A year ago I was an emotional roller coaster and my husband was the rubber bumper that tried to slow the roller coaster down at the end of the ride, but really just ended up getting rammed repeatedly. I think at that time my head had the ability to actually turn in circles, my husband is just too nice to admit it. So I quit. Cold turkey. No problem. I probably don’t REALLY need Plexus any more. My body is balanced and doing great. Ummmm, yeah. The first day, ok, a little tired, but it is probably because I didn’t sleep very well the night before (did I mention my test results showed a year ago Cortisol levels that never moved in the am or pm? They stayed the same all night and all day. Which means no sleeping at night and no energy during the day). Day 2, I can’t get my wedding ring off. For the love of Jesus, someone please cut off my ring before I chew off my arm! I can’t breath, I can’t breath. My finger is sufficating! Yes, the inflammation is starting. Hmmm, probably because it is almost that time of the month. Yup, must be it. Day 3, my husband is walking behind me coming down the stairs and says “is something wrong? ” Me, “no, why?” Husband, “you are walking down the stairs like you are 80, did you hurt your leg or something.” Yup, the one stair shuffle reappears. Day 4, I’m in pain. I mean serious pain. Every where. All my joints. Probably because I haven’t slept more then 45 minutes in the last 4 days I tell myself (still not making the connection). This is starting to really take a toll on my family. The dishes have been in the sink for 3 days. I head to Costco for an industrial size bottle of Motrin. Day 5, what are these huge cysts doing on my face?! Really? Right before the kids go back to school and I have to see all the other moms?! Oh wait, it is that time of the month. WAIT, it is that time of the month, but no one has come to visit!!! Day 6, spend $100 on pregnancy tests because I’m freaking out, paranoid and convinced I’m going to celebrate my 40th birthday by being 6 months pregnant. Last year, this would not have freaked me out because my hormones were so out of whack it wasn’t impossible to go several months without a visit, and then have 3 visits in one month (did I just lose any of the men reading this? Sorry). Day 7, took all 12 pregnancy tests and am trying not to dance around because they are all negative. My husband walks in the bathroom to see 12 pregnancy tests lined up and asks me if there is something he needs to know. I tell him the saga of the entire week and he walks away. Nice, right? I’m thinking to myself, well this is all your fault any way! You are the one always pawing at me and if I was pregnant, this time I would make sure you were the one breastfeeding and getting up 10 times a night! Yes, I had an entire conversation with myself in my head. Husband reappears, hands me a glass full of Slim (might have even been 2 packets) and just says, “if you love me, you will drink this.” Fast forward a week, I’m feeling sane and “normal” again and wondering to myself, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!! My pain is gone, face is clearing up, inflammation is going down, and I was extra nice and gave my husband a backrub last night. You are welcome honey. I can honestly say that last week was pretty bad. But I wouldn’t trade it. Here is why. I needed a wake up call. I had become comfortable in how great I was feeling. I started to think that feeling great was equal to feeling ok. I had forgotten what it feels like to live every day in pain, exhausted and on an emotional merry-go-round (do they even still make those?). Here is what I know. Plexus is not a miracle. It may not do the things for you that it does for me. It may not work for everyone. It won’t do the work for you. It is a tool to use to help you live a better life. My body was a MESS a year ago. So maybe for me, even a small improvement feels life altering. Maybe for my next door neighbor, that improvement is undetectable. I only know how I feel and what it has done for me. Maybe it is all in my head. If it is, then I pray my brain always reacts this way. I will NEVER quit again, that I can promise you. What I will do is take advantage of the fact that I feel amazing by exercising more. And now that my sugar cravings no longer exist, I will make smarter food choices. I have a great new food plan I am following and will be sharing with you in the coming days. What I learned last week is I am not a quitter. You can make things up, tell me it is in my head or a placebo effect, whatever you need to say, I will listen. But I know at the end of the day that I want to be the best I can be, and for me that means drinking a little pink drink every single day so I can enjoy my family, friends and all the blessings I have been given.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:17:02 +0000

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