This is a list of national anthems . This list shows the country - TopicsExpress


This is a list of national anthems . This list shows the country on the left, the national anthem in the middle, and the meaning in English on the right. The names of states that do not exist anymore, or that are not independent nations, or the names of state organisations are italicized . A Acadia - Ave Maris Stella (Star of the Sea, We Hail Thee) Afghanistan - Mili Thirana Åland - Ålänningens sång (The Ålanders Song) African Union - African Union Anthem Alaskan Republic - The Star-Spangled Banner Albania - Hymni i Flamurit (Hymn to the Flag) Algeria - Kassaman (We Pledge) American Samoa - Amerika Samoa Andalusia - Himno Nacional de Andalucía, (Andalusian National Anthem) Andorra - El Gran Carlemany (The Great Charlemagne) Angola - Angola Avante (Forward Angola) Antigua and Barbuda - Fair Antigua, We Salute Thee Argentina - Himno Nacional Argentino (Argentine National Anthem) Armenia - Mer Hayrenik (Our Fatherland) Aruba - Aruba Dushi Tera (Aruba Precious Country) Australia - Advance Australia Fair Austria - Land der Berge, Land am Strome (Land of Mountains, Land on the River) Azerbaijan - National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan B The Bahamas - March On, Bahamaland Bahrain - Bahrainona (Our Bahrain) Bangladesh - Amar Sonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal) Barbados - In Plenty and In Time of Need Basque Country - Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia (Anthem of the Basque Homeland) Bavaria - Bayernhymne (Gott mit Dir Du Land der Bayern) (Hymn of Bavaria / God be with you, land of Bavarians) Belarus - My Belarusy (We, the Belarusians) Belarusian National Republic - Vajacki mars (Come, We Shall March in Joint Endeavor) Belgium - The Brabançonne (The Song of Brabant) Belize - Land of the Free Benin - LAube Nouvelle (The Dawn of a New Day) Bharata - Jana Gana Mana (Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People) Bhutan - Druk tsendhen (The Thunder Dragon Kingdom) Biafra - Land of the Rising Sun Bolivia - Bolivianos, el hado propicio (Bolivians, A Favourable Destiny) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Intermeco; Formerly: Jedna i Jedina (One and Only) Botswana - Fatshe leno la rona (Blessed Be This Noble Land) Brazil - Hino Nacional Brasileiro (Brazilian National Anthem) Brittany - Bro Goz ma Zadoù (Land of My Fathers) Brunei - Allah Peliharakan Sultan (God Bless the Sultan) Bulgaria - Mila Rodino (Dear native land) Burkina Faso - Une Seule Nuit (One Single Night) Burundi - Burundi bwacu (Beloved Burundi) C Cambodia - Nokoreach Cameroon - Chant de Ralliement (Rallying Song) Canada - O Canada; Royal Anthem: God Save the Queen Cape Verde - Cântico da Liberdade Catalonia - Els Segadors (The Reapers) Cayman Islands - Beloved Isles Cayman Central African Republic - La Renaissance (The Rebirth) Chad - La Tchadienne Chile - Himno Nacional de Chile (Chilean National Anthem) China, Peoples Republic of - The March of the Volunteers (official) China, Republic of (Taiwan) - National Anthem of the Republic of China, National Banner Song China (Qing Dynasty) - Gong Jinou (Cup of Solid Gold) Colombia - Oh Gloria inmarcesible (Oh Unfading Glory!) Comoros - Udzima wa ya Masiwa (The Union of the Great Islands) Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Debout Congolais (Arise Congolese) Congo, Republic of - La Congolaise Cook Islands - Te Atua Mou E Cornwall - Bro Goth Agan Tasow Corsica - Dio vi Salve Regina (Hymn to the Virgin Mary) Costa Rica - Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera (Noble Fatherland, Your Beautiful Flag) Côte dIvoire - LAbidjanaise (Song of Abidjan) Croatia - Lijepa naša domovino (Our Beautiful Homeland) Cuba - La Bayamesa (The Bayamo Song) Cyprus - Hymn to Freedom Czech Republic - Kde domov můj? (Where is My Home?) D-F Denmark - Civil: Der er et Yndigt Land (There is a Lovely Land); Royal: Kong Christian Stod Ved Højen Mast (King Christian stood by the lofty mast) Djibouti - National anthem of Djibouti Dominica - Isle of Beauty, Isle of Splendour Dominican Republic - Himno Nacional East Timor - Pátria ( Fatherland ) East Turkistan - Uygur March Ecuador - Salve, Oh Patria (We Salute You Our Homeland) Egypt - Bilady, Bilady, Bilady (My Homeland, My Homeland, My Homeland) El Salvador - Saludemos la Patria orgullosos (Proudly Salute the Fatherland) Equatorial Guinea - Caminemos pisando la senda (Let Us Tread the Path) Eritrea - Ertra, Ertra, Ertra (Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea) Esperantio - La Espero ((The) Hope) Estonia - Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm (My Native Land, My Pride and Joy) Ethiopia - Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ethiopia (March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia) European Union - Ode An die Freude (Ode to Joy) Faroe Islands - Tú alfagra land mítt (O Faeroe Islands, My Dearest Treasure) Fiji - God Bless Fiji Finland - Maamme/Vårt land (Our Land) Flanders - De Vlaamse Leeuw (The Flemish Lion) France - La Marseillaise Frisia - De âlde Friezen (The Old Frisians) G-H Galicia - Os Pinos (Galician Nathional Anthem) Gabon - La Concorde (Concord) The Gambia - For The Gambia Our Homeland Georgia - Tavisupleba (Freedom), former anthem Dideba zetsit kurtheuls (Praise Be To The Heavenly Bestower of Blessings) German Democratic Republic - Auferstanden aus Ruinen (Arisen from Ruins) Germany - Das Lied der Deutschen , 3rd stanza (Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit) Ghana - God Bless Our Homeland Ghana Gibraltar - Gibraltar Anthem Greece - Imnos eis tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom) Greenland - Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit (You Our Ancient Land) Grenada - Hail Grenada Guam - Stand Ye Guamanians Guatemala - Guatemala Feliz (Guatemala, Be Praised!) Guernsey - Sarnia Cherie (Guernsey Dear) Guinea - Liberté (Freedom) Guinea-Bissau - Esta é a Nossa Pátrai Bem Amada (This Is Our Beloved Country) Guyana - Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains Haiti - La Dessalinienne Hawaii - Hawaii Ponoi (Hawaiis Own) Honduras - Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo (Your Flag Is A Heavenly Light) Hungary - Isten, áldd meg a magyart (God Bless the Hungarian) I-J Iceland - Lofsöngur (Hymn) India See: Bharat Indonesia - Indonesia Raya (Great Indonesia) Iran - Sorud-e Melli-e Jomhuri-ye Eslami Iran — National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran Iraq - (Old anthem) Ardulfurataini Watan (Land of Two Rivers) — Royal Salute Ireland , Republic of -Amhrán na bhFiann (The Soldiers Song) Isle of Man - Arrane Ashoonagh dy Vannin (Isle of Man National Anthem) Israel - Hatikvah (The Hope) Italy - Il Canto degli Italiani (the Song of the Italians) – also known as Fratelli dItalia and lInno di Mameli Jamaica - Jamaica, Land We Love Japan - Kimi Ga Yo (君が代 May 1,000 Years of Happy Reign Be Yours) Jersey - Ma Normandie (My Normandy) Jordan - As-salam al-malaki al-urdoni (Long Live the King!) K-L Kashmir (Pakistan) - Watan Hamara Azad-Kashmir Kazakhstan - Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kenya - Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu (Oh God of All Creation) Kiribati - Teirake kaini Kiribati (Stand Kiribati) Korea - There are 2 different songs and 1 old song, which have same title. South - Aegukga (The Song of Love for the Country or The Patriotic Song) North - Aegukka (The Song of Love for the Country or The Patriotic Song) or Achimeun Bitnara (The morning will shine) Korean Empire (old) - Aegukga (The Song of Love for the Country or The Patriotic Song) Kuwait - Al-Nasheed Al-Watani Kyrgyzstan - National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic Laos - Pheng Xat Lao (Hymn of the Lao People) Latvia - Dievs, svētī Latviju (God Bless Latvia) Lebanon - Koullouna Lilouataan Lil Oula Lil Alam (All Of Us! For Our Country, For Our Flag and Glory) Lesotho - Lesotho Fatse La Bontata Rona Liberia - All Hail, Liberia, Hail! Libya - Allahu Akbar (God Is Greatest!) Liechtenstein - Oben am jungen Rhein (High Above the Young Rhine) Lithuania - Tautiska Giesme (The National Song) Luxembourg - Ons Hémécht (Our Homeland) M Republic of Macedonia - Today Over Macedonia Madagascar - Ry Tanindraza nay malala ô (Oh, Our Beloved Fatherland) Malawi - Mlungu dalitsani Malawi (Oh God Bless Our Land Of Malawi) Malaysia - Negara Ku (My Country) Maldives - Gavmii mi ekuverikan matii tibegen kuriime salaam (In National Unity Do We Salute Our Nation) Mali - Pour lAfrique et pour toi, Mali (For Africa and for You, Mali) Majorca - La Balanguera (The Balanguera) Malta - L-Innu Malti (The Maltese Hymn) Man, Isle of - Arrane Ashoonagh Dy Vannin Marshall Islands - Forever Marshall Islands Mauritius - Motherland Mexico - Himno Nacional Mexicano (Mexican National Anthem) Federated States of Micronesia - Patriots of Micronesia Moldova - Limba Noastra (Our Tongue) Monaco - Hymne Monégasque Mongolia - Bügd Nairamdakh Mongol Montenegro - Oj, svijetla majska zoro (O, bright dawn of May) Morocco - Hymne Cherifien Mozambique - Patria Amada, formerly Viva, Viva a FRELIMO Myanmar - Gba Majay Bma (We Shall Love Burma) N Namibia - Namibia, Land of the Brave Nauru - Nauru Bwiema (Nauru Our Homeland) Nepal - Ras Triya Gaan (May Glory Crown You, Courageous Sovereign) The Netherlands - Wilhelmus van Nassouwe (William of Nassau) Netherlands Antilles - Anthem Without a Title Newfoundland - Ode to Newfoundland New Zealand - God Defend New Zealand, God Save the Queen Nicaragua - Salve a ti, Nicaragua (Hail to You, Nicaragua) Niger - La Nigerienne Nigeria - Arise O Compatriots, Nigerias Call Obey North Korea - Aegukka (애국가 The Patriotic Hymn – different song from that of South Korea) Norway - Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Yes, We Love This Country) O-R Oman - Nashid as-Salaam as-Sultani Pakistan - Pak sarzamin shad bad (Blessed Be The Sacred Land) State of Palestine - Biladi (My Country) Panama - Himno Istmeño (Isthmus Hymn) Papua New Guinea - O Arise, All You Sons Paraguay - Paraguayos, República o Muerte (Paraguayans, the Republic or Death) Peru - Somos libres, seámoslo siempre (We Are Free, Let Us Remain So Forever) Philippines - Lupang Hinirang (Chosen Land) Poland - Mazurek Dąbrowskiego ( Dąbrowskis Mazurka) Portugal - A Portuguesa (The Portuguese) Puerto Rico - La Borinqueña Qatar - As Salam al Amiri Quebec - Gens du Pays (People of the Country) Romania - Deşteaptă-te, române (Wake up, Romanian), former anthem Trei culori (Three Colours) Russia - National Anthem of Russia ; formerly The Patriotic Song, Soviet Union Anthem and God Save the Tsar Rwanda - Rwanda nziza S Saint Kitts and Nevis - O Land of Beauty! Saint Lucia - Sons and Daughters of Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - St Vincent Land So Beautiful Samoa - The Banner of Freedom São Tomé and Príncipe - Independência total (Total Independence) Saudi Arabia - Aash Al Maleek (Long Live the King) Senegal - Pincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons (Pluck Your Koras, Strike the Balafons) Serbia - Boze Pravde (God the Righteous) Serbia and Montenegro - Hej Sloveni (Hey, Slavs) Seychelles - Koste Seselwa Sierra Leone - High We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free Singapore - Majulah Singapura (Onward Singapore) Slovakia - Nad Tatrou sa blýska (Storm Over the Tatras) Slovenia - Zdravljica (A Toast) Naprej zastava slave (Go ahead, the Flag of Glory) Solomon Islands - God Save Our Solomon Islands Somalia - Somalian National Anthem South Africa - Nkosi Sikelel iAfrica & Die Stem van Suid Afrika (God Bless Africa & The Call of South Africa combined) South Korea - Aegukga (애국가 The Patriotic Hymn – different song from that of North Korea) Spain - Marcha Real (Royal March) Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Matha Sudan - Nahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan (We Are the Army of God and of Our Land) Swaziland - Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati Sweden - Civil: Du gamla, Du fria (Thou ancient, Thou free, Thou mountainous North) — Royal: Kungssången (The Royal Anthem) Switzerland - Swiss Psalm (Schweizerpsalm, cantique suisse) Syria - Homat el Diyar (Guardians of the Homeland) T Taiwan - See China, Republic of Tajikistan - Suudi mellii (Happiness of the Nation) Tanzania - Mungu ibariki Afrika (God Bless Africa) Tatarstan - Hymn of the Republic of Tatarstan Thailand - Civil: Phleng Chat; Royal: Phleng Sansasoen Phra Barami Togo - Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeux (Hail to thee, land of our forefathers) Tonga - Koe Fasi Oe Tui Oe Otu Tonga Trinidad and Tobago - Forged From The Love of Liberty Tunisia - Ala Khallidi (Oh Make Eternal) Himat Al Hima (Defender of the Homeland) Turkey - Istiklâl Marsi (The March of Independence) Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan State Anthem Turks and Caicos Islands - God Save the Queen Tuva - Tooruktug Dolgaï Tangdym (The Forest is Full of Pine Nuts) Tuvalu - Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvalu for the Almighty) U Uganda - Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty Ukraine - Shche ne vmerla Ukraina (Ukraine Has Not Died Yet) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - National Anthem of the Soviet Union, The Internationale United Arab Emirates - Ishy Bilady (Long Live my Homeland) United Kingdom - God Save the Queen United States - The Star-Spangled Banner Uruguay - Orientales, la Patria o la tumba (Uruguayans, the Fatherland or Death!) Uzbekistan - National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan V-W Vanuatu - Yumi, Yumi, Yumi (We, We, We) Vatican City - Inno e Marcia Pontificale (Hymn and Pontifical March) Venezuela - Gloria al Bravo Pueblo (Glory to the Brave Nation) Vietnam - Tien Quan Ca (The March to the Front) Virgin Islands, U.S. - Virgin Islands March Wales - Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of My Fathers) Wallonia - Li Tchant des Walons (Song of the Walloons) X-Z Yemen - United Republic Yugoslavia - Hej Sloveni (Hey, Slavs) Zambia - Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free Zimbabwe - Kalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe (Blessed Be The Land of Zimbabwe); Formerly: Ishe Komborera Africa (God Bless Africa) Read in another language
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 12:06:49 +0000

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