This is a little lengthy so bare with me. Ive learned so much - TopicsExpress


This is a little lengthy so bare with me. Ive learned so much over the past couple of years and I want to share something with you all. This is what I stick by when I feel defeated, This is what gets me through my days when Im on edge and I want to give up... No matter what you do in life, People will try to knock it down. It doesnt matter if youre pushing for a promising life, just being a good person, or just plain out being yourself. People will find flaws, They WILL pick it/you apart and make you feel so low that you dont even want to get out of bed. They will try to make you give up and fail because they have given up themselves. They will do what ever they can to bring a tear to your face, A ache to your heart or even in some cases an end to your life. I have felt the lowest of lows, I know that feeling of being alone. I have felt like I failed my family, girlfriend, friends and myself... Ive beaten myself up so bad that Ive lost all hope, Ive lost sight and thought my purpose on this planet was to fail and that I would never make it anywhere. I let the world get to me and I didnt feel like I had a single thing to offer this world. I was in a very very bad place and suddenly one day I was hit with a wave of hope, a voice saying You can do this man, you have a purpose here. Dont give up. Maybe it was my consciousness giving me one last push before I really gave up... Ill never really know where it came from but that is what saved my life. You see... Every single day, You have the ability to overcome and impress. You have the ability to put the world in awe, To make them silent when you prove them wrong. YOU have the choice to appreciate what you have worked so hard for because it wasnt just handed to you. YOU have the cards in your hard to ignore the negativity and focus on the good, The criticism and opinions that matter. You are the one in control of your life, No one else. Of course you can always give an excuse as to why youre where you are but at the end of the day its just an excuse and excuses dont get us anywhere. This world can be disgusting, People will be heartless, People will be jealous, People will be spiteful, People will spread rumors, People will do what ever they can to see you fall... Dont swoop to that level and let it make you crumble. Just imagine how amazing it will feel the day you see all those who walked on you, doubted you and tried everything to make you fail just walk away, Defeated at the fact that they didnt make you crumble. Im not saying thats your sole goal, But it sure is a reward. Its up to YOU to stand up and build a foundation so strong that an army cant even make what youve created crumble. Always remember... No one in this world has the power to force you to walk from your dreams or desires except for yourself. I love you all and hope this lifted you up.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 20:02:19 +0000

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