This is a little over a week out. You should go to this for a - TopicsExpress


This is a little over a week out. You should go to this for a couple of reasons. 1. Double header! This is cost effective entertainment. 2. Youre a hipster who likes to say they support local/indie groups. You can say you liked the Gatekeepers before liking the Gatekeepers was cool. You liked the Gatekeepers when nobody knew who they were. 3. Your dreams are probably dead, so why not support ours? 4. You can catch the fever. It took watching five minutes of a game to push me down the rabbit hole. 5. Unlike Turf Wars, this is the best of the league united against a common foe. 6. Team ranked #3 in the country. If you want to see what a well oiled derby machine looks like, come to Queeny Park next weekend. 7. If you dont care about derby, then come bear witness to an impossibly handsome gang of scallywags and learn our secrets. 8. You might die Sunday, having never seen the Gatekeepers in action. Is that really a risk you want to take? 9. Exhaustive research conducted has scientifically proven that being involved with derby makes you more attractive and popular. 10. Surprise celebrity guest star Val Kilmer!* 11. Come find me, Ill buy you a beer! ** * - in the likely event Mr. Kilmer will not be in attendance, there may be impromptu performances of memorable scenes from Top Gun and/or Tombstone. ** - I will do everything in my power to avoid you. Your beer will be well-earned.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:30:54 +0000

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