(This is a long Report about A Bad Bump, Humanity and Formulas to - TopicsExpress


(This is a long Report about A Bad Bump, Humanity and Formulas to Predict humanity by Serge Magnavox. Im honest in what I saw and what Im trying to describe. One friend of mine told me that this actually made her angry and she doesnt know why. So, this might challenge your beliefs and/or mend your mind a little especially because I bring a non-human perspective into the picture. Ah, the beauty of being a foreigner... Hope you get something out of this, reader.) Last night I had an eye tearing vision; I use the term eye tearing because when these visions hit me suddenly my reality is literally changed overnight and I as a being have only a split second to make the choice to believe it or not, without the permission of my body of course. I had a vision of a bad BUMP. For those just tuning in and not knowing what I mean by a bump, I use that term when it comes to changes in the universe. A bump is not only a shift in how one dimension functions, but many realities within multiple dimensions at once. Now, nothing special triggered this vision, I was watching an animated rap music video on youtube... And then it hit me, the vision of the bad bump. I saw this yesterday October 14th 2013 at the end of my day after spending time with a friend doing typical things, nothing out of the ordinary at all. I saw the future of earth so far ahead that I was beyond Bermue; the physical space took a dark form of a dying city thats seen in typical futuristic science fiction films that have been airing as of late but with a twist: it was real and I once lived there. It was a possibility of what was to be without the volunteers from other realms ever coming to earth and if it wasnt for an event that we the warriors of light took part in 7 years ago (on this earth, this realm) this would have peaked (spiritually, or electromagnetically) by the year 2020. The human evolution went downhill; instead of humanity ruling over primal instincts, we devolved as a people to have these primal instincts amplified and our biology took control of the spirit instead. Ill use Miley Cyrus as an example to explain this next bit so bear with me as this is just an analogy to try and express my vision accurately. Before there was Miley, werent there other ways to shock people other than a child twerking? But what happened to them? They disappeared in our minds and blended in with reality; this is a technique called desensitizing or desensitization. We see something so much we get used to it over time and subtly accept it as normal because it becomes a trend then lifestyle. Now that we got used to the grinding as a way of dancing (which, dear God, is not...)a few years back, the next generation of false idols can desensitize us further by introducing deeper levels of primal nature: twerking and rage. Ask yourself this: what is it that you feel when you see her do this? Are you shocked? Does your body have a different reaction than you do? Nobody will have the same answer, as everyone is unique. Some people even disciplined themselves to choose their own reactions instead of letting the biological reflex become their reality. But, the point is to trigger the biological reflex in general since the more it’s triggered the more it’s the norm/natural to come first... thoughts are just electrical impulses after all, but thats going off the point. The time period which I saw was way beyond twerking and rage. This was no longer an art form but it was the social expectation to an inhumane extreme. We as humans had a ruined planet to the point where clouds were so thick that their normal status was a state of matter that was a hybrid between liquid and solid. In a sense, frozen clouds that were darkened of chemicals not meant for humans to breathe in (that changes the entire cellular respiratory cycle and destroys photosynthesis). We as a people evolved to breathe that air by having filters in our lungs and noses so that that chemical would no longer be a poison to us, but in consequence animals and plants would die if they too did not develop the same filters with their bodies. Most of the animals were dead other than rodents and crustaceans. Cows? They mutated so much that they no longer produce milk, and their meat was not edible. Mind you, it was still the same crappy system of survival over life like today. There was money, there were mass communication devices like television and phones but they were not regulated as we think they would be. We were the ones regulated; on an average people always waited to be told what to do instead of having the power to make choices on their own. But thats not all, anyone with a higher will power or higher awareness was hunted. And I dont mean hunted as in tracked down by a state police to be executed, I mean the primals had evolved to develop a physical sense where they can hear the loud buzzing of the more intelligent less primal people that have evolved for the greater good because their thought patterns were of a different frequency. A different frequency (or anything other than the norm that they submitted to) can be heard by them since it’s higher than theirs; their natural reflex is not to accept or ignore this, but to literally lash out against these people who are higher than they are because they’re programmed to know that they are a threat much like a predator does. It was normal for there to be killings in the streets because of these hunts and sometimes, the people who were killed because the majority was poor, would be eaten by those who could not afford to eat food of high quality (more like anything normally edible.) The primals called anyone evolved loud, because even when you stand near them you can hear their thoughts and to their eyes, the people have a golden glow and somewhat look like their vibrating but thats an optical illusion. Now lets take this on a deeper level and with this image of a darkened dying planet/people in mind jump to grid view. Aliens have actually been mapping us humans out for a long time! They developed formulas using the genetic information of our blood types and other proteins we carry to predict an average for certain ethnic groups and races. What I mean by that is that they managed to predict on average the typical bodily function of a 9 year old Asian female; then, that evolved to another formula that lead them to make predictions of the same functions but psychologically then spiritually. They then took those formulas and plugged them in another formula (as the X) in one that would predict the average outcome of the human evolution with their current data. If you have no idea what I just said, I basically said that with numbers (or their figures, because numbers are second to them...) they can map out where we will end up with the current physical, psychological and spiritual human status on average. You might be thinking: why do they need FORMULAS to see POSSIBILITIES?! Arent they INFINITE BEINGS OF LIGHT!? Firstly, Aliens are still incarnates and while they do have the ability to freely disconnect from the flesh and easily see beyond to the soul level, they too have their limitations because theyre incarnates that live on different evolutionary stats just like we do! Secondly, seriously, do you even know what infinite beings of light means? Aliens arent angels; come on, we really shouldnt be behaving like Christopher Columbus just found us! They are not Gods nor are they angels, theyre beings that have a higher neurological load (aka brain capacity, I did take that term from the movie Pacific Rim) than we do! Thats all! They still have lives, personalities, defects, quirks and habits. Anyway, they need these formulas to predict us because of 2 main ingredients of humanity: Willpower and Emotions. Honestly, to any non-human, those two factors spell out trouble without even looking closely. Why? Because with those 2 factors making up one being actually allows a being to legally function off grid... and if the being doesnt feel like getting back on, they dont have to! Not to mention that they cant be forced to change their path because the rule of free will states that not only can higher beings NOT interfere with their course of action but any being with free will has to come to their own conclusion to the choice they make. It has to be them and only them. To the aliens, when this happens, its like were sheep that ran away from the farm and we dont want to come back. No matter how much that dog barks, we cant understand the dog and we dont have to listen to it even if we did. Free will and emotion = absolute chaotic disturbance! On a human level, those who have studied Entropy are actually trying to quantify these factors as disorder. Fun studies they are.... HAH!! Thing is, the E.Ts have had some sort of attachment to this kind of chaos as it generates art, creativity, hope and many types of love. Are they too becoming human in a sense?! Going back to the formulas, these babies act as a cheat sheet to the E.Ts. They can now see where we are going with life by measuring our actions, who we are, what we think and what we do then applying that data to the formula coming up with an average number called a Peak Number. A peak number measures the average status of human evolution; that number corresponds with Spikes. Spikes happen in the earths magnetic field a lot especially if we as a people feel something so strongly at once. So now they dont just have free will and emotions to worry about, but about how those 2 traits affect what will happen to the plane that were on! In 9/11 scientists measured a spike in numbers of the earths magnetic field. There was a spike because so many people were shocked and horrified at the event so much it released that energy to the planet. Even if the E.Ts used formulas to predict what will happen with our current stat, they now have another factor to add into the chaos: The Negative E.Ts!! 9/11 was a planned event. Goodbye half the readers.... To those still reading on, you accepted this as your reality already and are dealing with the circumstances accordingly; GODSPEED! It wasnt exactly influenced by pure human beings, but thats another topic that many are already discussing actively and I wont go over that here in detail. There are negative E.Ts that persuade humanity to falter faster and quicker than ever before. Going back to the image of the bad bump, if life were to keep escalating towards the primal over the spirit worse than it is now, then in 10 years maybe less, we will have a reality worse than that of my vision. Believe it or not, everyone still has the ability to make a choice to where this timeline/reality goes. But because everyone is dividing into 2 different evolutionary stages even though were on the same plane, the E.Ts decided to forward with the project of the Universal Shift. Using the formulas of knowing humans, the current dimension in which the events are taking place, monitoring the other dimensions and their reactions to the shift, and the bad entities, the E.Ts are guiding us to a better tomorrow! But (yep, theres the but!) the impossible equation doesnt end there! Another symbol was added to the picture and that is the Volunteers! Some of them came with information and memories of some of the possibilities of the future and want to change earth for the souls born of earth; others actually came from the future of the negative possibilities and collaborate purely on the fact that they want to change their reality that way they can have a home to go back to (Im one of those!). These bits of knowledge that make their way into the grid, as they are legal human experiences, cause more changes, exceptions and additions to the formulas that the E.Ts are constantly trying to perfect. While we humans are giving them a run for their money, we are witnessing and taking part of a Colossal Universal event with every action and reaction we make. The Bad Bump that I mentioned earlier was one of the realities I came from; it looks like I was all wrong about Bermue being a ray of sunshine! Those clouds were actually so dense that U.V rays couldnt penetrate through them. Usually there were too many clouds for a day to be sunny, so you can imagine how the forecast was there. But thats why I came to earth to change it. Before earth ascended to Realm 6 it actually was so unstable it collided with another planet of another solar system. During that time the continents were undergoing a shift and most of all the land was underwater except for one island and that is the Island of Bermue. When earth collided with the other planets, the planet actually lost most of its continents and after about 200 years only 3 more continents rose from the water. It became very depressing and lonely; luckily, there were enough fragments from earth to collide with the next planets moons to form Ediona (Second Earth) and so on... I didnt want to accept my death as being a loud being so I went to try again learning from my mistakes; when that didnt work I was born on Ediona a second time further back in time to make the change but then I only helped make the changes to beings that roamed the earth after humans. So, the third time I came to this earth to make the change for all beings that are to be on Earth until its time for it to ascend to the 6th Realm and beyond. We have a term for this on Ediona: Trisitona, which means the third coming. Ill take that being in the future to mean me and the other volunteers succeeded in our mission! Boy they must be telling stories about me there >_>” Do you have a headache? Sorry, understanding how the Universe works usually isnt done with so many emotions to alter the path of logic but if you understood ANYTHING out of this report do consider yourself a CHAMP! No really, this wasn’t easy to describe and with an altered way of expression, understanding it is even harder than it is to express it. Congrats, you made it through another report! Now go make yourself a sandwich—actually go eat something sweet, your brain will need an energy boost because it spent too much of it trying to imagine and understand the meaning behind all this UFO hoopla! P.S, the picture was made by Egres in 2008... I didnt know what he knew because our threads were NOT merged. But, hes one of my fractures that was born on Ediona so he already knows the story of how earth was saved. Crazy, right? But now I get it. Tri (3) Si (the) Tona (coming of). Trisitona...the third coming.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:22:24 +0000

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