This is a long dissertation, if you wish to read it you may want - TopicsExpress


This is a long dissertation, if you wish to read it you may want to copy and paste it somewhere for later review if you havent much time. Why should you read it? Because you may resonate with what I say here and if you do I should like to know you better. There is something that David Sotelo and I have named the template which is a way of understanding and diagramming the communication between caring and trusting perspectives, which yields if practiced a greater sense of healthy optimism over time. There is a deep level of this that is a self practice that I call dramatic meditation, and the entire practice I have called either inner-yoga or optimistic integration. The more scientific professional form of this which I highly endorse is practiced by Arthur Janov who has achieved wonders beyond what can be safely and timely done in other ways of which I am aware. I present what I know as a teaching, a teaching that goes more deeply into feeling than emotional intelligence classes. I do this free of charge and at many levels: social, political, individual and spiritual. I was a minister of the Inner Communion Church long ago until it disbanded, it was a member of the free thought denomination of churches here in America similar to the Quaker (friends general conference) and the Unitarian churches. I am now still in that denomination and a minister with the Universal Life Church Monastery. My experiences have ranged from Pureland Buddhist training to Sufi Islam, and from Vaishnava Hinduism to Quakerism and Spirit Filled Christianity. I have sought to not just study but to feel the core attraction of many practices and beliefs and I see them as methods of communicating very similar ideals. I do not believe in titles that represent no real talents and am not what most would consider a religious person. I do not believe in any infallible books or people. The battle of my life is against all that is unfeeling, uncaring, and which does not promote trust in human affairs or the relationship we have with nature, the earth, or other living things. Therefor I tend toward vegetarianism making only the exception of fish so that I may better deal with my health and the easier association with others. I do not believe in preaching I believe in teaching and the best teaching in my opinion is often showing. I am opposed to shallow purely symbolic power seeking and will oppose all who endorse it for this is not healthy for our human species. Here at the last stages of my life I will strive to keep my principles and to serve humanity as best I can. I have found great opportunity to serve in the Democratic Party, often pretty much more than I can handle. ;) I oppose conservatism as a regressive less feeling and caring approach to humanitys problems, and in fact, see it as an expression of mental/social illness along with fundamentalist religion. The core problem of society and all individuals today, apart from a lack of getting basic physical and social needs met, is an illness that attacks core healthy optimism. This illness is born of what I call pained need which at its core is panic provoking helplessness that blocks feeling because of a harmful intensity too much to bear at the time it occurred. Therefor I do not see truly good or evil people, I see people who are spiritually ill, that is to say, people who have little or no capacity to understand or implement the template or the communication of real love and honest trust within themselves. So those who others call evil I pity, even though I have the good sense not to trust them. Those others call good I see as spiritually healthier. Regarding either condition the only judgement that can be made is whether, with what they know and can do, are people trying to be spiritually more healthy... Those who are trying are all equal and none can be criticized any more than you can call someone who regularly showers a dirty person. Those who crave symbolic power and social popularity without reasonable purpose or contemplation and who have lost touch with the feeling kid within themselves, showing signs of unconscious emotion that manifests in an anxiety that is all about being in charge, these are people who should never be given their favorite opiate which is power or authority. We are slowly growing out of a primitive age in which such people and attitudes dominated to an age of greater egalitarianism where talents and abilities are seen as resources that people may have but not as a power to rule others or as a form of unquestionable authority. We are growing from being attached to symbolic comforts to finding our comfort from processes that are proven methods to meet real human need, from living lives disconnected from our feelings to lives of vibrant involvement in life. Now, if all of this resonates with you then I would be glad to be your facebook acquaintance. ;)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:23:27 +0000

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