This is a long one. I suggest that you skip it. Anyway, I - TopicsExpress


This is a long one. I suggest that you skip it. Anyway, I recently read, One Summer by Bill Bryson. Loved it. He put the year 1927 under the microscope. He wrote in depth about Charles Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Herbert Hoover, Jack Dempsey,Calvin Coolidge, Bill Tilden, Clara Bow, Sacco & Vanzetti, et al. But, he left out one of the most fascinating and influential stories ever to impact humanity. I share an abbreviated version of it here. Understand that, when I get going, I have oral presentations of this anecdote that run for 30 minutes or more. Ahem, here goes... In the summer of 1927, a 10 year old boy from rural Indiana stood poised to change human interaction for all time. He was as much a victim of happenstance as he was a proletariat hero. His life, and dreams, were simple. He endured school. And he endured chores on the family farm. The notion of a day off never occurred to him. His life was the reality that he had always known. Until, one day, when he heard a rumor. Then, saw a posted bill. It seems, the CIRCUS was coming to town. He had heard the old-timers speak of this. They gathered at the general store, or anywhere in town and told the tales of the marvels of the the CIRCUS. Feats of daring, thrills beyond wonder, scantily-clad women of unbelievable beauty, exotic animals, AND, more than of all...the CLOWNS. They defied description! All for the price of admission. Alas, money was also a foreign notion to our young hero. For, while his family had never known hardship or hunger -- they survived on the fruits of their labors -- they had also never known excess. But, the determination of a young man is a powerful force. And, our young man was determined to get a ticket to the show. He raced through his studies. He hurried through his chores. Then ran as fast as his feet would carry him to neighboring farms to seek out odd jobs for anything that might pay. For weeks, he extended himself beyond exhaustion, scraping together the meager amounts that other poor farmers could afford to pay him until, (AT LAST!) he had gathered enough money to purchase a ticket for admission and for a box of popcorn to enjoy during the show. Now for the most agonizing part of the whole ordeal - the wait. The CIRCUS was still a week away. CRIPES! It was known throughout the town that our young hero was planning to attend. The townsfolk were a mix of envious and enthralled. The old-timers continued to stoke his anticipation by regaling him with their memories of what awaited him. For any of you teenage punks who have managed to read this far, try to imagine a world without video games, the internet, TV, telephones, electricity, RUNNING WATER for Petes sake! The CIRCUS was the shit! Finally, the day came. Of course, he didnt sleep that night -- far too excited. He rose early, did his chores -- fed those that needed to be fed, milked those that needed to be milked...and walk 7 miles to the grounds of the circus. He arrived very early and spent his time watching the roustabouts set up the BIG TOP. He walked the Midway. He was first in line at the ticket booth. He bought his box of popcorn. He entered the tent. He sat in the front row. The tent went dark. It was then dazzled with spotlights. A flamboyant and charismatic Ring Leader introduced the acts. Gorgeous girls on trained ponies raced through the arena. Fearless men battled and tamed ferocious animals. Amazing acrobats did death-defying feats on thin wires and something called a trapeze His eyes were wide. His mouth was agape. His throat was dry. His box of popcorn, untouched. He gazed in awe and wonder. This was easily the greatest experience of his life...and then...and THEN...out came the clowns. Our young hero had never known such delight as watching the clowns! To say they were entertaining does not begin to do them justice. Just when he didnt think it could get any better, one of the clowns came to the stands and asked for a volunteer from the audience. Time stood still. His mind raced. He had never wanted anything more than to somehow be included in the this show. A memory to last a lifetime! A story to trump all stories! He found his resolve, broke from his trance and...RAISED HIS HAND! The clown must have sensed how much this meant to our boy and settled his attention on him and then...selected him! You young man! You will do fine! the clown said. Tell me, are you a horses mane? asked the clown. The boy knew horses well from the farm, but, the question didnt make any sense. Confused he shook his head and replied, The clown, still addressing the boy, but playing to the crowd then asked, Well, are you a horses hoof? The boy, thinking that his star-struck fog still had him dazed replied, uncertainly, The clown, stepped on his denial and shouted to the crowd, Well, in that case you must be the horses ASS! The crowd, having been expertly played by the clown, absolutely erupted in laughter at the expense of the young man. You, dear reader, I dont care who you are, or what you have experienced, are unlikely to have ever been dealt such a devastating blow. To go, in a single moment, from you greatest thrill to your biggest public humiliation -- and at such a young age.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 00:34:06 +0000

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