This is a long one but I would appreciate you taking the time to - TopicsExpress


This is a long one but I would appreciate you taking the time to read it: When I returned to Facebook after a six month hiatus, I returned with a certain set of self imposed guidelines to help me maintain my sense of sanity and personal well being; one being, that no matter what, I was no longer going to engage in online debates about deeply important and highly charged social issues, nor was I going to trigger said debates by posting about said topics. Like many, I found these debates to be almost always toxic and almost never productive, and in a body whos immune system attacks itself just for existing, these debates would literally cause me physical illness from the stress. However, I have reached a ceiling within my own perimeters. And no matter how often I engage in these discussions in my real life face to face relationships, no matter how vocal I am about affirming things when they come up, not engaging here in a space where I share so much of who I am, is a kind of silence and self censoring that is not acceptable; it isnt okay, it isnt enough. It isnt enough for me as a woman of color, who is other on so many levels. It isnt enough for me as a mother of beautiful black children whos bodies are in danger every single day, simply for being born who they are. It isnt enough for me as the partner of a man, who is also in danger every day, simply for the color of his skin. It isnt enough for the dozens upon dozens of friends and loved ones who experience what we experience daily. It isnt enough for the hundreds of millions of people who experience what we experience daily. It isnt enough for Mike Brown, and John Crawford, and Eric Garner, and Oscar Grant, and Trayvon Martin, and Jordan Davis, and Renisha McBride. It isnt enough. It isnt acceptable. What IS acceptable, is for me to say that this here, is my space, and I get to determine what goes down here and what doesnt. What is acceptable, is to say that I will speak up here about these humans and these issues and I will welcome openly, productive discussions that lead to understanding, as long as they are approached with respect and love. What is acceptable, is to let anyone who has a problem with acknowledging their own privilege or privilege in general, know, that I am not here to educate you, that marginalized people are not your personal tour guides through oppression, but if we have energy and feel able, we may shed some light, and if not, google is your very good friend. What is acceptable, is to let you know that I will not accept any challenges to what is the real LIVED experience of myself and so many others. What is acceptable, is for me to say that if you take issue with this, you can do so on your own page, in your own space, and while preferably kicking large rocks with open toed sandals. Sincerely, with love, and no bs, Sarah
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:23:44 +0000

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