This is a long post — and its political — but I hope it helps - TopicsExpress


This is a long post — and its political — but I hope it helps clear some of the fog concerning the House District 11 campaign. Im especially writing for the benefit of conservative voters who are considering sending a Democrat to represent them in the State House. If youre a Democrat who is voting for your partys candidate, you can just keep scrolling. I am not picking a fight, and I dont want to try and change your mind. This is just for undecided independent and conservative voters. Here are my thoughts on the political mailers I just received: 1) Saying that Rep. Craig Gagnon House District 11 sponsored the largest tax increase in SC history is a half-truth at best. The underlying substance of the ad is the SC Fair Tax Act, and that act is a move away from using income tax, property taxes, bank taxes, estate taxes, and other nickel-and-dime taxes toward a fairer, flatter consumption-based tax system in South Carolina. And by the way, the SC Democratic Party supported Obamacare, the largest raw dollar tax increase in US History, and the largest percentage tax increase since 1968 (according to To call the Fair Tax proposal a tax increase is ludicrous. 2) How is it relevant that Tombo Hite for House District 11 personally endorses 2nd amendment rights when his chosen party wants to limit gun rights? If you want to see the Democrat Partys ideal handling of gun rights and gun crimes, take a look at Chicago, IL. And its admirable that he wants to cut wasteful spending. But again, look at the party affiliation. That message is a conservative value and most of the time, Republican politicians lead the way for reducing waste (at least moreso than those in the Democrat party). Not that Tombo cant do it (I dont doubt his enthusiasm or ability), but if he does make good on the conservative values he has campaigned on, he is going to be fighting his party leadership every step of the way. The people who have designed his campaigns messaging KNOW they are trying to reach out to conservative voters. Dont fall for it. Party affiliation matters! Read this column from Dennis Prager: dennisprager/dont-vote-candidate/ 3) Im glad to know that Gagnon is working to end human trafficking, but that doesnt at all mean that Hite *supports* human trafficking. This is obviously not an overt assertion (that would be libelous and slanderous). But Gagnon is just showing some of the positive things he has done. Please dont allow yourself to believe that Tombo wouldnt also fight against human trafficking. 4) Politics is a dirty game. THESE ARE BOTH GOOD MEN. But you have to know where you stand. Know the players youre dealing with. Know their partys stated goals and actual accomplishments. I refuse to vote for another legislator to be an ally to the party that is producing some of the most destructive leftist ideas in a generation. Party affiliation matters. If Craig continues doing what he has done, Ill probably be more or less pleased with his record. He has been no darling of the Tea Party (greenvillescteaparty/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/UPSTATE-SCORE-CARD-FOR-WEB.pdf), but he has done some good things regarding economic development and 2nd Amendment rights. And if Tombo makes decisions like I believe he personally wants to make and should make, he will be fighting the an uphill battle against the trends of the prevailing values of the Democrat party. When the broader national issues like national defense, preventing the destructive impact of Obamacare or fighting against the assault of religious liberty from LGBT activism hit home and require action in the SC legislature, do you want to count on a good Democrat opposing his party and standing for his personal beliefs? Or do you want another conservative voice acting in sync with the big issues under the direction of the Republican party leadership? Its pretty obvious that the SC and maybe even the national Democrat party feel like Gagnons seat is worth a fight. There is a lot of out-of-district money coming in for this race. THEY think party is important, even if Tombos personal values are out of step with the national Democrat party platform. Im voting for Rep. Craig Gagnon next Tuesday. I believe the Republican Party is the best hope for our areas economic development and for common-sense conservative legislation that preserves individual liberty and prevents government intrusion. I dont want to see the Democrat party strengthened in South Carolina.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:52:25 +0000

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