This is a long read for which I wont apologize. :) Inverted - TopicsExpress


This is a long read for which I wont apologize. :) Inverted Totalitarianism (NAWS) The inverted pyramid is not based around a leader. There is no leadership principle but the anonymity of the corporate body (NAWS) who claim to honor the fellowship and group authority yet have internally seized all power over the last 15 years, representing a corporate coming of age of NAWS power and the demobilization of the fellowship. This is furthered by World Board and contracted consultant who seems unaware of or does not care about the actual consequences of their actions or their inactions – a kind of naïve or willful heedlessness, an exploiting carelessness within which the fellowship are forced to embrace a mantra of unceasing change, regardless of the consequences or results. The tempo and pace of change only increases. We embrace any kind of innovation as our main focus, allowing our foundation as well as traditional values and expectations to be scuttled. We have permitted a collective amnesia and fooled ourselves into accepting this progress as the inevitability of progress and change (enlightenment) -- this fabricated idea of spiritual progress has been a very effective way of disenfranchising the fellowship. There is now a kind of passive-euphoric acquiescence that progress is inevitable when, in fact, it’s only fueling NAWS’ opportunity for an unceasing search for what might be exploited – everything becomes built around the process of maximizing profit and the control they wield while, encouraging us, Dig deep within yourself, focus on happiness and spiritual growth, grasp that NA is truly exceptional, believe NA can carry out miracles and can have and do anything we want. (Reality is never an impediment to what we desire….and never an impediment to what NAWS desires and does) After the WSC was dismantled it was replaced with an evolution within world services which allowed popular culture to embrace inordinate license and latitude while the fellowship surrendered to political submissiveness, the collapse of groups’ “final authority” is not characterized by disorder but by NAWS control. The system of the inverted pyramid creates a politically passive fellowship, a collective sense of vulnerability, including adulation and blessing of the keepers of the fellowship and finally, the blessing of preemptive actions on the fellowship’s behalf Our internal public relations culture determines what criticism is acceptable and what is not, so that only approved trusted servants identify the problems and its parameters, and they create a box. Anyone who challenges that context is immediately dismissed as irrelevant, an extremist, defective. The actual structure and the actual paradigm of those in charge is uniformity. A psychology of culture where the fellowship, instead of participating in decision making, are invited to have opinions, measurable responses to questions predesigned to elicit them, like voting on American Idol….a participatory fascism…..where those who attempt to challenge change or expansion are turned into pariahs by the establishment It is a contemporary corporate culture advised and nourished by consultant-developed propaganda – every WB action presented will change our lives, make the fellowship more effective, more alluring, and more successful in our efforts. The messages contain unproven, but unfailingly optimistic (even miraculous) promises for the future. This same ideology invites NAWS to exaggerate or conceal information, but always with a sunny face. The force behind this contemporary corporation colludes to make the inverted pyramid a “system” in which the fellowship passively hopes for the best or awaits the worst as NAWS plunders and exhausts our resources while further attempting to dismantle and disenfranchise our structure, upon which we’ve depended for decades. But, a gap opens between the illusion of who we think we are and the reality of who we are and where we are going. This gap is the reason we have a consultant and created our first modern mass media public relations campaign…a turning point in NA – the creation of a NAWS News bureau, commandeering owner and editorial license of the NA WAY, and saturating the fellowship with propaganda -- but, more importantly, with the help of a consultant, employing an understanding of mass or crowd psychology. There is no longer any challenge of the leadership and privileges of NAWS or the WB, further legitimizing a kind of elitism, a trusted servant class that converges with what they tout as fellowship interest…converging to invert the pyramid. This culture includes executive prayer sessions and NA evangelism in workshops lead by franchised, loyal intelligentsia, a class of trusted servants seamlessly integrated into the system of mass propaganda, communication, and decision making where the result are preordained and any real representative interests and decision making are discredited and shut out It constantly, through ideology, idolizes and celebrates the few in power and creates a disconnectedness, a destruction of community and meaningful communication so that all sense of belonging and sense of self is defined by and provided around the noble efforts of NAWS and the WB. Corporate NAWS/WB and their contracted consultant share a common disdain for the common good, the “group conscience,” downsizing everything while striving to lure adherents as well as consumers – committed to transcendental values; so that all of the emotional or emotive touchstones, like “carrying the message” and “furthering our primary purpose” are used as a way to create adherents within in the political system and divert any criticism of the WB and corporate structure itself. Now is the time to postpone any more “change” in NA’s service structure and philosophy until we return to an effective and meaningful decision making process which recognizes and enfranchises the groups as paramount to the development and approval of ideas and projects – a structure wherein, once again, World Services works in response to the fellowship, not the other way around.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:04:51 +0000

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