This is a message by a brother very near and dear to me. He has - TopicsExpress


This is a message by a brother very near and dear to me. He has always shown me love and accommodated me with compassion. His sister is dying, Allah SWT has decreed this for her and the family. And they have accepted this divine wisdom. With that said he has requested I share the following message with you all. Please take the time to read a dying sisters final request through her brother :( My sister has been given a few months to live. She has been diagnosed with stomach cancer which has spread to her lungs; she is healthy, a non-smoker, very active, married and only 27 years old. Her husband is a cancer specialist, her father is a consultant, her other sister is a doctor she is due to graduate as a doctor in JULY.... ALL this knowledge in the family yet this is Allah telling us we know nothing and he knows everything; subhan Allah !!! We accept the qadar of Allah and insha Allah we will be patient through this ordeal. The doctors do NOT decide how long somebody has to live, this is all in Allahs hands. Her dream was to become a doctor and help out the less fortunate in different countries. Orphans were dear to her heart so we have set up a just giving page to raise money to build an orphanage in Tanzania in Farahs name (my sister). Please donate whatever you can, and if you cant donate then please share this message with friends and family. Donation link here >>> https://justgiving/farah-saeed/ may Allah reward you all. Also remember that, Allah swt is the close friend, he is always near; we need to remember to make dua.. please mention my sisters name in your duas tonight. Who knows? Allah may decide to accept YOUR dua on this night!!!... Subhan Allah. I love you all for the sake of Allah.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:26:16 +0000

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