This is a message from Aaron Koch. Who was not feeling great - TopicsExpress


This is a message from Aaron Koch. Who was not feeling great about what has transpired on Facebook recently in which his safety and our coaching at CrossFit Incognito were questioned. Instead of being goaded into bantering back and forth and arguing like adolescents we decided to have the person criticizing him and us blocked. I view our athletes somewhat as I do my job at Amanda Clearcreek Middle School. My job is not only to teach them but it is also to keep them safe while letting them explore their potential and sometimes find their limits. Instead of responding to negativity with negative comments of my own I will let Aaron speak for us as he has done so from his heart. Aaron, I want you to know that Karen and I care deeply about you not only as a member of our gym but as a person and we appreciate what you have written. Thanks, Scott and Karen From Aaron Koch: In the past, I have found it a bit difficult to find the time to sit down and write out exactly how I feel about what the CrossFit Incognito group has done for me. This is not something that I would customarily do. However, due to recent events I feel that it is important for me to share with you all how I have changed. Prior to finding the CrossFit Incognito group, I was a man who had a relatively decent level of fitness and well being, but I was not happy with who I was physically. Growing up I was always a very physically fit person, I found that the discipline needed to stay in good physical condition came easily. As time has passed and my priorities have been changed, I have changed with them. The individual and the routine that I had fallen into, was leading me to a place that was undoubtedly going to end with my personal dissatisfaction. Living day to day with chronic pain and swelling of my knee. As a person I was searching for something that I could grab a hold of, something that could help me improve myself. CrossFit incognito has changed my life. To sit here and write out the ways that Scott and Karen have positively altered me is difficult. Not because of a lack of substance, but because the list of improvements, is far too great. Almost nine months ago, I walked into the CrossFit Incognito gym and I was unsure what to expect out of the program, even more so I was unsure as to what to expect out of myself. My first day I struggled to do pull ups without assistance from resistance bands, I can now do thirty-one kipping pull ups in a row, without assistance. Shortly after my first workout I was introduced to the handstand push up, lacking the strength to hold my own weight up for an extended period of time I was doing the pushups with my knees on a box. Today, I proudly say that handstand pushups are something that I look forward too. Not just because I can now do multiple strict and kipping handstand pushups even at a deficit, but because they are a reminder to how much I have improved. I could sit here all day and write down numbers for you, and tell you how much I have improved in every aspect of CrossFit and myself, but I would rather not. If there is any doubt as to the gains I claim to have had, please stop by CrossFit Incognito I will be proving them there. With all that being said, my accomplishments, and Scott and Karen go hand in hand, I would not have one without the other. They have always pushed me to do work beyond the ability that I thought that I was capable, and for that I am more than grateful. However, due to Olympic weightlifting being such a foreign thing to me, early on there were countless times in which I had to be cut off from advancing in weight. This was not because I was physically unable to lift the weight, but because I displayed poor bio-mechanics and they were looking out for my well-being. Scott and Karen have always pushed for a showing of proper technique, before a display of weight being moved. As a professional coach of twenty-one years, I would say I have a complete understanding as to what quality coaching is so you can believe me when I say that Scott and Karen do not fall short.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:09:29 +0000

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