This is a message to all my fellow artists on here. I am so - TopicsExpress


This is a message to all my fellow artists on here. I am so thankful to this group because it shows me where I will eventually be if I stick with it and push through feelings of discouragement. That being said, I want people on here to stop putting their art down. There are some AMAZING artists on here who keep saying its not that good. We artists are our own worst critics LOL. Even if your art is bad (and most of the time it just looks that way because youre being hard on yourself), recognize that where you are now is not where you will be in the future. BELIEVE IT! (Naruto voice) Get to a place in your heart where you recognize that your desire to draw and your passion to draw, your creativity is a gift from the Universe to bring Joy, Life, and Light to those around you. THAT ^ in and of itself is something beautiful. Who cares what your drawings look like now? You WILL get better! Have fun and enjoy the journey of learning and stretching yourself. Pat yourself on the back because youre willing to go on the journey (there are COUNTLESS people who want to, but talk themselves out of it) and dont forget to remind yourself how far youve come. We need to rejoice on where we are and not beat ourselves up for where we arent. Have a nice day! (Or night, depending on where you are in the world) :)
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 15:11:38 +0000

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