This is a message to all the lazy people out there, who cant be - TopicsExpress


This is a message to all the lazy people out there, who cant be bothered with change, and also to the decisive No voters. It seems so strange to me that people are so resistant to change. We look back to the Anglo-Saxon period, and their literature is loitered with notions of the transient. The Ancient Greek dramatists understood this as merely the facts of nature, and the rituals and festivities of every pagan culture sought to conform to this pattern of transience, just as winter chases spring, to summer followed by autumn. Even in a Religion, Christianity, for instance is founded on that principle, the word repent, literally means to change your mind. After the Norman conquest (more change) the medieval period in its change still understood this, and they witnessed the renaissance, the reformation, the scientific revolution, such massive and profound changes, and all would agree it is the most sure thing (other than death) that humanity can rely on, change is inevitable, its completely natural, in fact even on a purely biological basis, our cells go through the processes of mitosis and meiosis, we are literally never quite the same from one instant to the next. Sam Cooke said A change is gonna come, o yes it will. This is obvious, but it is also necessary. My question to all the No Voters, and also to all you lazy people who are just too comfortable in your wee bubble, to accept change, my question is this, why are you so resistant to change? Westminster are not offering us anything different than what they have always offered, yet this is so inconsistent with the very foundations of that parliament, which in itself was established as a necessity, as a force of change from the notions of divine rights to rule, to be a more representation of public interest. We know Westminster are not representative of Scotland, or indeed for most of the UK as a whole, yet tragically, unlike out ancestors, who celebrated and understood the value of change, we are clinging to the same old same old paradigm. Its an inconsistent position. We look back at the old movements of power and change, and as imperfect as they were, (and remember change always is as part of its nature) we understand that the formation of parliaments, the reformation and scientific revolutions were necessary. But these were momentous movements and testament to the power of change, when directed by purpose; what change in Britain can be more momentous and directive than a people saying enough is enough, we desire change, we desire to have the power of change placed into our own hands, so that although we understand change is exactly what it is, often unknowable, and as a result frightening, it is both inevitable and necessary? The No Campaign have used this very natural state of being and used it as a means to attempt to stifle that which is natural to all and every material thing in the universe. Vote no, because we dont know what currency in Scotland will used, we dont know this, we do know that well heres a wee thought for all my No brothers and sisters - so what, do you really expect to have every T crosses and every I dotted before you agree to change. The reformation, the renaissance and scientific revolutions were in much the same boat -there were unanswered and unanswerable questions to often much more perplexing issues as a currency, but the people understood that change was necessary, natural and essential, and so they moved ahead into the unknown with their eyes wide open, in fear, which demonstrated their courage. They understood it was for their own freedom and self-determination that they took such bold steps. And these movements have gone down in history as amongst the most substantial and profound movements of change in the history of humanity. Change is coming, it always is, but we have the opportunity to be participants in a more directive and purposeful and self-determined approach to that inevitable fact of nature. Lets ignore the scare stories built on the fearful unknown, but tread fearfully into it, with our heads held high in demonstration of our courage, and our hands firmly grasping our self determined choice to rule ourselves on our own terms in that frightful world of change. This time will go down in history for ill or good, no ones the outcome, but lets not go down in history as the generation who in their fear of the unknown and of that which is most natural to this universe, who allowed the dictates of the unknown to rule their own purposiveness. Lets demonstrate this generation has as much courage as the ancients had, and as much self integrity to boldly put aside our fear, and to embrace change in whatever form it presents itself. We if anything are profoundly adaptive, its what has allowed humanity to thrive in a world of change. We will not merely exist, but we will thrive. Have some faith and a modicum of courage. Vote Yes to an Independent Scotland, we can do it.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:58:17 +0000

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