This is a must share... hits close to many hearts of mothers - TopicsExpress


This is a must share... hits close to many hearts of mothers across the world.... YOU WILL NEED TISSUES FOR THIS ONE. You never know who you may help with this info. Georgia posted..... PRAISE REPORT!!! I wanted to wait until today to make the post but PROBIO5 is a GOD SEND!!!! I have an 11 year old daughter that has struggled her whole life with ADHD combined type and ODD. She was regularly angry and would loose her temper to the point that I would have to hold her to my chest crossing her arms in front of her so she would not hurt her self. She has always done well in school academically but could not ever concentrate and would regularly get in trouble for distracting the class. We moved her in to Gifted classes thinking she was not being challenged enough and that would keep her busy. she continued to make good grades and some how still found time to get in trouble by distracting others. She never had an good friends because she had such a temper. She has yelled at me and her father she has been hateful to her brother and sister. From day one pleading to God what am I doing wrong? crying out on my knees nightly for help and mercy...asking for answers. At 2 years old I would have to sleep on the floor at her door just to keep her in her room at night. She has never slept well, her body never knew when to rest and always wanted to stay awake! I had her in private school for a while but that didnt work out and we moved to public school where the teachers pleaded with me to have her professionally tested. So we finally did and found that she has multiple types of ADHD and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder). Which makes since that it didnt matter how much we punished her for her bad behavior she would just come back with the same issues the next day. We started her on meds (against everything we wanted for her) and it helped... A LOT! She was able to sit still but still could not get past that anger problem. We moved to a new home and new school last year and she has been doing a little better but she has not been growing at all. In the last (approximately) year she has gained 8oz!!! She is currently in the 0 Percentile on the growth chart. This means that 100% of children her age are bigger than she is in weight and height. When we went in to the Doctors office on December 15th for her ADHD check up her Dr was very concerned that she was not going to start developing properly if she did not start growing and considered taking her off her ADHD meds. I took a leap of faith and on December 17th removed her ADHD meds and her Appetite Increasing meds completely. I put her on ProBio5 and 1/2 a slim every day. We just got back for a quick nurse check up and she has gained 2.5 lbs since December 15th!!!! PRAISE GOD!!! She is growing!! But that is just the beginning. She is HAPPY! she is helping her brother and sister all the time she invites her younger sister to go to friends houses with her, she helps around the house and volunteers to help the others with homework and cleaning jobs. She is polite, she apologizes on her own with out being asked or prompted! She wants to cuddle with me...and now Im little girl has never wanted to cuddle with me. She has told me I hate you more than I would like to remember and now she just walks up to me and says mom I love you can I have a hug This is the best part! I have found the daughter I knew she could be. the one I could see glimpses of but never got to meet! I have longed so badly for the day when I could have heart to heart conversations with her with out her wanting to fight with me... and now thats all here! its right in front of me and I am praising god the whole way for every moment I am experiencing! I know Plexus does not make claims to help ADHD or ODD but I am screaming from the mount IT WORKS IT ABSOLUTELY WORKS!! If you have not tried it go to your pediatrician ask them what they think and keep a journal and take it to them after the first few months and BLOW THEIR MIND!!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! Thank you Lord for Plexus and thank you Plexus Worldwide for these amazing products!!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 00:09:48 +0000

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