This is a new character with no memory of his life or anything, - TopicsExpress


This is a new character with no memory of his life or anything, all he remembers is the hospital and escaping it. Who Im I? Run keep running, if I stop theyll drag me back to that place. The white room, the bleach smell was over powering, sickening almost and the masked face that would come into the room and they would poke and prodded and they they were speaking in english but it sould like another language I would catch a few word like third degree burns and shock but the rest made no sense. I dont remember how I got there or why all I know is my face hurts, Im dizzy, I wanna puke and I cant see straight but I need to keep moving. Damn I need to breathe. Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe Ahhhhh my face, my hands they burn, the smell ahhhh the damn smell, I need to get these things off me awww *cries slowly has he sinks down the side of the wall* Who Im I, Who the hell Im, whats my name where did I come from how did I end up like this. *Rips the bandages of his hands and face and looks into a puddle and sees his reflection and screams* Breathe Breathe Breathe Got damn it BREATHE Uggggghhh I must have slept awww I feel awful, its a bad dream, I dont look like a burnt piece of chicken *looks in to the pool of water* Nope still look like a freak. Ha That was a weird dream who was that girl, I feel like I know her, it felt normal, it felt like she was a friend but I cant remember anything. Breathe.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:04:18 +0000

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