This is a nice and cool Saturday night and its approaching - TopicsExpress


This is a nice and cool Saturday night and its approaching Thanksgiving. Everyday is a day of Thanksgiving so we all need to b more thankful every day of our lives. I dont care how bad anything is, it gives us no right to complain. God Im sorry for complaining about the little small things that I complain about. I was sick last week with that virus and I complained about that, but when I look at ppl who are really sick and have been sick for such a long time. I was only sick for 2 days, but u have ppl who are dying with all types of diseases and I consider myself blessed beyond measures. Lets spend our time thanking and praising God and stop griping and complaining. God is awesome and no matter what weve done or how we act, God just keep on and keep on and keep on blessing us over and over again so we alt to never stop worshiping and praising Him. As u go along in this season of Thanksgiving, think about those who may not have what we have and dont talk about them but bless them. If u arent going to bless them, then dont put your mouth on them but pray that God will bless them. U are doing ministry when u bless some one that is in need. U dont have to b the pastor, choir member, deacon, the mother of the church, nor any other part, but we are the church and we are all a part of Gods Body. Its more of a blessing to give than to receive. I always hear older ppl say that u know where u have been, but u dont know where u are going or where u will end up at. Ppl please, take that to heart because that saying is true just like the sun is hot and bright. Never judge nor talk about anybody if u dont know them nor their story. If u do know them, then that gives u no right to judge nor talk about them because all of us have a story and by the grace of God, He took care of us and brought us out so pray that Hell do the same thing for them. I dont look like what Ive been through because Im constantly wearing a smile and the enemy cant stand that. Im blind, but I dont even act like it because I walk by faith and not by sight. God gives me spiritual sight and He guides and orders my steps. When u smile, u confuse the enemy because he feels like if hes trying to destroy u, then u alt to constantly cry, worry, and eventually, fall off into a depression mode, but when u smile in the mids of him trying to do this to u, then God is protecting us from the enemy so smile while crying. God got u so hold your heads up because when u have God on your side, u will always defeat the enemy so continue to wear that big, bright, and beautiful smile. B blessed and b thankful always.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:25:21 +0000

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