This is a nice article to meditate now that we headed to - TopicsExpress


This is a nice article to meditate now that we headed to church.... Rethink Homelessness: Rethink Homelessness Sunday Faith Blog- 11-10-2013 by Scott George, Pastor of Pine Castle United Methodist Church in Orlando Several years ago, a dear friend of mine handed me a Time magazine that changed my life. It happened to be an end of the year issue that featured their Person of the Year.This year they featured not one person but three; the title The Good Samaritans caught my attention and captivated me. I was caught off guard by their selection because my initial impression of them didnt fit my idea of what a true Good Samaritan was. Mother Teresa, a prominent religious leader or a priest fit into my stereotype, but this years selection was different and it opened my mind to what and who a Good Samaritan truly was. Could a Rock star and a computer geek and his wife really typify the role of a Good Samaritan? The past eight years since they were on the cover of Time magazine have proven that Bono, and Bill and Melinda Gates, truly are heroes to the poor and the homeless.If they can fill that role, so can you and I. The story of the Good Samaritan is an ancient parable of what it means to do good and help others with a heart of compassion on this day that focuses on hunger and the needs in our community and around the world. Jesus, in this story from the Gospels, tells of four kinds of people who were prevalent in his time and ours. We can learn from these types of people and aspire to live our lives to model that of the Good Samaritan. Group one is the talkers. These are the pundits who were pleased to simply talk about what needed to be done.In Jesus day it was the Pharisees: religious leaders who asked Him the all-important question, How do we get to heaven? We seem to have many people who fit into this crowded category, armchair quarterbacks who are comfortable and at ease with simply discussing all the things that need to be done. Group two is the takers. Members of this group, believe it or not, are not the bad guys in the story. They were the thieves who robbed the Jewish man and left him half dead on the road.We have plenty of takers in our world today. They are always looking for the opportunity to get and almost never give. Their mind is on no one else but themselves. They live for themselves and rarely focus on others. Dr. Martin Luther King once said, Lifes most persistent question is, What are you doing for others? Takers never ask themselves this question because they are embarrassed by the answer they would find. Group three is the keepers. Members of this group include the ones in the parable who, like the priest and Levite, are programmed to keep what they have. Their goal each day is to play it safe on their side of the road and pride themselves in never venturing to the other side to help others in need.Keepers are too busy with the status-quo life to cross the road to help. Fear has gripped their hearts and they are content to leave the work for others who will follow. Group four is the givers: The people who are willing to cross over and do whatever it takes to help others in need.The custom of that day prohibited the Samaritan from interacting with the Jewish man. The Good Samaritan threw out all the cultural taboos and made it his mission to offer help, hope and a home. Givers give more than money or time; they give of themselves.Mother Teresa once said, Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.Our community and world need more givers and fewer talkers, takers and keepers. The homeless in our community, and in our nation, give us a wonderful opportunity to live in the legacy of the Good Samaritans who have gone before us.There are many fantastic charities in our community who help the hungry and homeless that you can connect with and make a difference. Give of yourself, give of your time, and give your voice.You may never make the cover of Time magazine, but you will live a life of joy, contentment and satisfaction. The Rev. Scott George is co-founder of Community Food and Outreach Center and senior pastor of Pine Castle United Methodist Church.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:33:47 +0000

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