This is a old story that shows that SOH Boehner,refuses to use - TopicsExpress


This is a old story that shows that SOH Boehner,refuses to use what Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution grants him the authority to do in Power Of The Purse in controlling how much the POTUS is capable of spending regardless of whatever the left Democrats/WHOTUS/Obama media say or do. Boehner is a weak/spineless and so afraid that if they stand up that it will hurt there chances to re-take the senate in mid elections in 2014 and keep the house, lets suppose they do but Barry still can/will probably veto anything that he doesnt like. Nothing gain there!!!! With all of the established Rs (big government ) members now wonder that most Americans can see of who/what supports the Rs like the chamber of commerce with their radical progressive agendas to further erode our Freedoms/Republic. Theyve really need to stop trying to do everything in their own to stop bashing the Conservative members that are upheld by most Americans that care about the U.S. Constitution,The Rule Of Law,The Bill Of Rights,God,Family Values,Our Military Soldiers,Our Heritage and Customs and enforce them. Question If you were a Supreme Court Justice, what would be the odds that you would approve the lawsuit to stop Obama for non-criminal actions of upholding the measure for impeachment that are stated in the Constitution if the Speaker of the House Of Representatives John Boehner, is too timid to carry out the results arent favorable ! Mr. Obama, has probably already figured this out as in the recent rulings from the SCOTUS on the ACA.... Interesting that this is part of the Obama scheme as in from the Communist Manifesto by Saul Alinsky to destroy the middle class and make them bow to anything that the imperial king wants in the remaining years that he occupy the WHOTUS and has succeeded to make us into a welfare/socialist Republic from inside our own borders. No wonder that other foreign countries have nothing to fear from this country as we continue to be a do nothing in response to human rights international/domestic. The blame is equally shared between those of both parties Republicans/Democrats, that have sold their souls for a few pieces of silver and have betrayed those that love God,Family Values,Our Military Soldiers Past/Present that shed their blood to keep us safe to keep our future generations of children to come Free continue to lie/cover -up the truth from being know to us.Spend more,print more $$$$ that even our children/childrens will be unable to pay for President Bush started this in his (2nd.) term with so many programs and Obama continued it to the present of being $17 Trillion + in debt and over $ 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities!!!!! Theres not enough money to ever undo this in the world and sooner or later the interest on the loans will be more than the principle that was made . Sadly this is what you get for whoever or those that were fooled into believing the lies that were so graciously said not once but twice and not doing your own homework into the socialist movement for utopia (doesnt exist) you were duped and regardless have a responsibility to defend your homeland against ALL tyrants foreign/domestic and need to join others that still are going forward to keep this Country/Republic The United States Of America,whether what color of skin that God gave you,or whatever party that you support R/Ds in believing as those like Our Founding Fathers,Martin L. King, President Abraham Lincoln,President Dwight Eisenhouser,President Ronald Reagan and so many others past and present. Those that have been a sleep and uniformed all need to become aware that we all have a responsibility to hold those that have slowly put us into this position and be proud of being born as Americans and stand as one voice together to stop the control of the tyrants that are dividing us against one another !!!! Keep American free and be blessed as the greatest nation not to be divided any further. Theres no other nation that left that has individual freedoms left. Hard to imagine thats its has come to this but those that have American pride do not give up when the going gets tough thats whats kept us for decades and Im proud to be one of that still believes in it! God, bless and keep Israel strong !
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 14:40:45 +0000

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