This is a partial response to something I posted earlier which - TopicsExpress


This is a partial response to something I posted earlier which elicited numerous comments careening wildly all over the place and effectively missing the whole point of the original post. This was the point, and I am reposting this partial response; resetting the counter, so to speak. Creationists recognize that there is PURPOSE, and FUNCTION in everything. Evolutionists recognize there is purpose in practically everything, but they manage to convince themselves that of the literally trillions of things with specific, precise purpose, each and every one of them happened by chance: random mutations, natural selection, and common descent branching off into all kinds of wonderful different directions. A lot of people can’t buy that. Many believe purpose and function don’t just ‘happen’, like ‘oh, here’s a new capability… what could we do with that?’ Or ‘gee, it sure would be nice to be able to [fill in the blank], and given enough time and mutations, etc, maybe we can develop that’. Even you wonderful evolutionists will scoff at these ridiculous notions. ‘Evolution doesn’t work like that. Where did you get your education? [add sundry insults here]’. This bush will be circled until the end of time. Then we will all see whether there really is a purpose and a designer behind it all. Yes, it’s outside of the self-defined realm of science’s limitations. Yes, any ‘proofs’ which are offered are confidently, supposedly, shot down. Yes, there are a lot of hard questions which are not easy to succinctly answer about this designer and associated characteristics. And if you wish to go on thinking that you and I and everything else has no purpose, go right ahead. Some see the glass half-full, some see it half empty. I’m not even going to speculate who’s who in that analogy. I see purpose, and I marvel when a scientist of whatever specialty or stripe discovers some other wonderful purpose or function. So do many others, scientists included. It just makes the WHOLE PICTURE of life all the richer!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:49:08 +0000

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