This is a perfect example of the media stirring the pot. I use - TopicsExpress


This is a perfect example of the media stirring the pot. I use this as an example because it is Bill Cosby. He has only been accused (like so many others), yet, the media is parading any woman who chooses to accuse this man of these horrible deeds. Granted, so many complaints lends to some truth in some accusations, but I truly doubt all. We need to stop finding people guilty...especially before an arrest...even more crucial, a trial with a guilty verdict and/or confession. The media feeds us bites of stories...stories...not confirmed facts. Depending on the talking head, we believe what we want to believe. How dare the media throw such a skewered stance on this issue...taking every witness words as confirmed is dereliction of duty. I am not saying a victim should not be heard, but stories must be corroborated. As we should never victim blame, we should never disparage others on the word of others and no evidence. I am sad for the women affected by this mans actions...I hope they find peace. Those accused are not always guilty. Those accused usually have jobs they can be fired from. Those accused usually have family and friends affected by this invasion of privacy as well as the speculation that flies around the water cooler, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, & other social media. AND...if the accused is found guilty...he should be dealt with appropriately. Good done by anyone who also commits heinous acts should not be eradicated because of mental illness or criminal activity. Everyone has the right to his/her opinion, but we do no one good by letting emotions get out of hand. I am incredibly frustrated, angry, and sad that so many people choose to not understand why such horrific acts are perpetrated by someone so many have trusted for so many years. Has no one stopped and asked What is wrong with this man? and, god forbid, understand and accept that he is quite possibly mentally ill? Why the rush to persecute and not heal? I was attacked by many concerning a person very close to me who is about to go to prison for the rest of his life because he is mentally ill and committed very horrific acts toward friends of ours. I understand the emotions, believe me. I understand the confusion. However...just because you never liked the dude does not mean he is not human...a human in need of help..& punishment. To call me a say I was used as beyond the pale and I cannot verbalize the damage that one statement has done. His issue often comes from having been a victim, himself. As you call him a monster, you may also be calling one of our classmates a monster, as our classmate may being doing the same. It is a vicious cycle that must be broken. Is this a glimpse to my future if/when I go apeshit, round the bend? Will you write me off as Evil? Will you step around me as I struggle to be healthy? Will you air all of my badness to friends and the world, writing me off as a worthy human being? Punish me, but heal me, please. I am seriously distressed at how many pass judgement on others without thinking BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, GO I. I am frightened...not only for myself, but others. I am able to express what is going on with my mind and my heart...when others cannot. Words hurt, people. I have found, as of late, even though I verbalize what is happening in my mind to others, in an attempt for them to understand me as well as mental illness....some do not hear nor care nor comprehend. HAHAHA...its actually kind of funny to watch the surprise when I finally go apeshit on someone...surprise? WTF??? Have I really wasted that much of my own time, energy, and breath, trying to educate others on this matter? I share my stories here in comparison because I see a trend of persecution over anything in healing for all. Vitriolic statements are not needed in this world. Our priorities are out of whack, in my opinion. We cannot buy compassion. Everyone is broken...some just havent found their cracks yet. Shame on us all. As we drag the Cosby family and the victims through media, has no one once stopped to think...I have believed in this dude all of my life...hmmm...calling him Evil cannot be the answer...lets see what went wrong with him. At least...that is the way I was raised. Who knows...I may be off base, but this is what I believe. I also believe anyone using God and the Bible as complete negative reference to this issue is, quite simply, misguided. Please, speak to your clergy if you find anger and hatred toward this man or any other human being. I just know to love all, to have compassion for all, and to help matter the transgression. There is no such thing as a disposable human being. This is my opinion...and has been for as long as I can remember...evidenced by many FB posts. I stand by my words. I am not interested in debating this issue. If you do not agree and cannot discuss my concerns without calling names and being hateful, PLEASE, do not post...just click & go on to the next issue you can argue about...with someone else. Thank yall for your time. I am sorry for the length, but this is important to me. The media and we must get our minds right. On every issue...not just this one. loveyameanit
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:58:44 +0000

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