This is a poem I wrote for Lisa a few years ago. It is dedicated - TopicsExpress


This is a poem I wrote for Lisa a few years ago. It is dedicated to all homeschooling mothers everywhere. The title is Her Love Sings Quiet. Here is the full poem: Her love sings quiet No gilded songs where sabers cheer And shower gifts To flatter and adore No lofty titles Inviting raised eyebrows Of surprised respect With savoring smiles Secretly seething with subtle envy At introductions made for show No Her love sings quiet Simple soft yet strong Unseen and rarely heard By those enamored by the clamor Of social fame Her melody weaves instead in muted tones Unbending to the sneers of mocking idols Who scoff at unborn promise Offering worldly prize Hers is a hushed refrain Veiled in a litany of diapers, laundry and daily meals Tucked between lessons of math and history Sitting at a kitchen table Offerings of whispered prayers Band-Aids And gentle strokes To foreheads kissed a thousand times Rest among the syncopated notes Of her unheralded composition All too often unaware Of the miracle taking place For while moth and rust and time Each take back their temporary treasures Her quiet song will sing for a thousand generations And fill the ears of kings and queens And sojourners treading tenuously toward The only true path that leads to home And on that day of days When all songs will be sung Before the One who is Hers will be the sweetest Because it is His song The song she learned from Him Then all will hear And all will cheer But for now Her love sings quiet -- Feel free to share it with any homeschooling mothers who may need some encouragement.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:40:03 +0000

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