This is a post Even Myers made here yesterday. In case you missed - TopicsExpress


This is a post Even Myers made here yesterday. In case you missed it, Im reposting it for everybody to see. He nails it. Boy, where to start. If there was ever any doubt that this reality show was 99% scripted it ended after Fridays episode. First of all, lets examine the mysteriously abandoned gold mine that the Hoffmans magically wandered themselves on to. Ill skip all the blatantly obvious giveaways that KGC revealed in their PR and just skip to the logical inadequacies. KGC and 46799 were involved in a Joint Venture, meaning both companies had a 50/50 ownership stake in the JV. They both invested $1,000,000 at the formation of the JV, with Yukon supplying $1m in equipment and KGC supplying $1m in exploration data/land. From there on out all operating costs were to be split at a ratio equal to their respective interest, which was 50/50. Should 1 side default on an ongoing monthly payment (via invoices for operating costs) the other would have the right to demand payment, and if still unpaid gradually reduce their ownership stake until they no longer have any equity left. Were told that YUK went belly up and abandoned the claim leaving everything behind. However, in KGCs own PR its stated that YUK was bought out for their 50% interest in the JV and were given back 100% of all costs they had incurred up to that point. Thats not how JVs work, and proves that without a doubt the story of the abandoned claim was just more Discovery BS. What really happened was the JV likely had costs that exceeded the 210 ounces of gold they pulled from the ground and thus were operating at a loss. Discovery steps in and offers the JV a nice check to lease the ground for their scripted reality show, Gold Rush. They write a check to KGC who in turn writes one to YUK to buy them out of their 50% ownership. This terminates the JV and gives KGC full ownership of the claim which allows them to lease the claim to DSC/Jerusalem. Bankrupt companies arent bought out of 50/50 JVs for full value, let alone for every penny theyd spent thus far. Next, lets take a look at the Discovery channel as a whole and what kind of programs theyve aired over the last 12 months. Garbage like Amish Mafia, Street Outlaws, Airplane Repo, Moonshiner, Tickle and so on. Every one of those is blatantly scripted, despite being called unscripted reality shows. Theyve managed to take a once proud network with quality programing to a poor mans TruTV whoring themselves out for ratings and pandering to viewers that share a common denominator of the lowest IQ in the room. Just look at their in episode plug for Moonshiners during the most recent episode. This was done because they view the audience of both shows to be part of the same demographic, with both being of the same premise (scripted reality). It has become so obvious that Im expecting a spinoff gracefully entitled Lizard Lick Towing Gold Rush and its new sister show, Extreme Repo - Gold Rush Edition featuring Todd Hoffman. Just like objects in motion tend to stay in motion, networks that primarily air scripted reality shows tend to continue to air scripted reality shows. Just one example of many from the last episode was Jacks beloved 400 breaking down. They foreshadowed this inevitable event (see Volvo) throughout the first few minutes, and sure enough it seizes up. They must be sharing the same SoundFX technicians with Street Outlaws since the audio of the machines failure was hilarious. It was clearly a sound clip that was dubbed into the scene from what sounded like a diesel engine simply running out of gas, but were supposed to believe that it seized up. Just like were supposed to believe that both the 400 had fully charged batteries, clean fuel/oil and were ready to go. Of course they dont dig any deeper into the 400s failure as Jack says I know what an engine sounds like when it seizes, and this ones done. Id bet every penny that the Hoffmans made on being slumlords that next week we see a nice Volvo excavator replace the 400 to go along with the shiny 6 figure Volvo-Penta generator. I saw the preview for next week where Toad is selling the 34 ounces of gold that they somehow pulled out of roughly 2,000 yards of dirt in just 36 hours. Keep in mind that this same ground only produced 210 ounces for all of the last season. He says that he never sells gold but doesnt have a choice. Hmm, well if that really is the case then how did he finance the disaster in Guyana, or the 6 figure Volvo-Penta generator that they have at McKinnon? Not only did operating costs likely exceed gold value from his (Daves) pre-Guyana 800oz season, but theyve lost money every season. Were expected to believe that not only has he has saved every speck of gold that hes ever mined, paid his crew/fuel/equipment/lease%/etc for all of the past seasons and that he still had $ left over to even get to McKinnon let alone finance everything they needed to get started? Its like theyre not even trying to make this scripted, dramatized BS even halfway believable; as if its supposed to be a comedy due to its blatantly transparent attempt to appear unscripted. The fact that Freddy/Dave have been absent from both of the last 2 episodes likely means that something absurd even by Gold Rush standards is lined up for an upcoming episode. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if Dave and the other ex-tards show up at McKinnon to surprise Toad after Thurber gives them word of the 34 ounces they got on the 1st cleanup. And finally a few words about the transparent fraud that is Todd Hoffman. Watching him so far this year is truly disgusting, and steadfast in my belief that he likely suffers from Aspergers or a similar mental disorder. How else can his absurd stories and grandiose delusions of inflated self worth be explained? Hes hilariously transparent in that almost every vile word he spews to others directly relates to himself. However, the treatment to his father and his employees is utterly disgusting. One of the 10 commandments that this alleged Christian is supposed to follow is Honor thy Father. Instead Todd talks to him like hes the scum of the earth, literally barking orders at him (and Thurber) like theyre his personal property and only their to serve him. Not to mention that he literally kicked his mom and dad out of their home (at his airport) so that he and his family could live for free. This christian literally prays for Gold, not to do good for the World but simply to enrich himself. In actuality hes worse than an atheist, as at least they are adamant in their non-belief. Instead he uses real Christians good morals/values for self enrichment, profiting on his lies of self deluded Evangelical BS. No one is perfect, but theres a big difference between honest mistakes/misdeeds and the vastly malicious intent that Todd Hoffman shows more often than not. I feel bad for his family and those around him, and will continue to wait for the day that he is widely exposed for what really lies behind the facade he puts on.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:39:44 +0000

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