This is a post driven by the frustration in dealing with one very - TopicsExpress


This is a post driven by the frustration in dealing with one very cruel, crazy and hypocritical good JW ex-husband. I was married to the impotent and controlling bastard for three years. He gets a healthy disability check every month from the government due to PTSD from Vietnam (although physically able to work) and uses his time to pioneer. After 3 years of his controlling issues, many talks with unhelpful elders and the straws that broke the camels back (treating my daughter very unfairly and then cutting off my phone, the internet, closing our bank accounts and selling our car so that I could not attend my sons wedding) and then him telling me to get out of his house when I admitted that I no longer wanted to be a JW (at this point I had been dfd), I left and lived in a domestic abuse shelter for three months. During this time he tried to stick me with all of the bills, because I was to only one of us that had any credit, so both car loans and the credit cards were all in my name (opened or applied for in order to keep peace with the insane man). At a certain point, though, it dawned on him that if he wanted to be free if his heretic wife, he would need to know if I ever began an intimate relationship with another man. Suddenly, I had a bargaining tool. I agreed to tell him and give him a letter for the elders stating that he had scriptural grounds for divorce if we could come to a fair separation/divorce agreement. So we did. At least I thought. I held up my end of the bargain and naively thought that our signed notarized agreement would be binding. Well, I found out recently that at the divorce hearing (which I was unable to attend due to moving cross country) the judge disregarded our agreement because I was not present. So...I still do not have all of the details, but it appears that I am stuck with much of the debts. In the meantime, he will no longer respond to my emails and has moved to Ecuador. I dont know what to do, but I would love to announce to the world that this man is a lying, manipulative, hypocritical (and impotent! Did I mention that???) prick. Any ideas?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 18:57:01 +0000

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