This is a post refering to the Religion/Philosophy picture I - TopicsExpress


This is a post refering to the Religion/Philosophy picture I posted. I have nothing wrong with any one religion, I grew up in the Catholic Church even though neither of my parents were very religious. I had two aunts, neither of them my own blood, both actually started as my babysitter and total strangers to my Mother. My mom would have to force pay my one Aunt because she felt guilty taking money for watching my sister and I, imagine that. My other non-biological aunt became my Godmother, these two women were absolute saints, they were religious women and they had love for any thing they came in contact with, they were amazing. When I got home from my time in the service, I went to visit my aunt. I havent seen her in a couple years, we started talking and she told she stopped going to church, she said she still believed in the teachings of Jesus Christ but did not like what the church was teaching. I hope she doenst get mad I shared this conversation with everyone, I dont think shell mind. So to get to my point, I think if you start taking any one religion into the hate or kill domain your getting fooled by a Man. In my opinion it should be the church doing everything they can to link up with other religious leaders to stop any kind of war or hate between governments, any starvation in the world, and also stop genecide, im not saying war isnt neccesary, at some point you have to stop evil in its tracks, but it should be the last resort, and used with the utmost commonsense. If you actually do your research, instead of just taking some guys word for it and you read a book or two, youll notice they all pretty much teach the same thing, for the most part. To love, learn, be active, take care of one another, just be a good, none judging, hand lending, respecting, loving, strong, relentless, smart, evolving, human being. And then you can see some of mans ridiculous teachings in their, like hate and judgement, its ok to kill in the name of God or Allah or whatever your gods name is, and bunch of other stories. If you can see through the shit teaching, and practice the teaching that make sense, than your most likely a very good person, it doesnt matter if your a christian, and muslim, and jew, and hindu, buddhist athiest, idain, white, black, asain, spanish, alien, dog, fish, you get my point. Sorry for any mis-spellings. -Soup
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:12:42 +0000

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