This is a pretty interesting discussion about the Swing and High - TopicsExpress


This is a pretty interesting discussion about the Swing and High Pulls. Kettlebell Swing Vs. High Pull by Jen Weir, Build a strong back with kettlebell swings and high pulls. Kettlebell swings and high pulls are both explosive exercises that will get your heart pumping and your metabolism firing on all cylinders. Both exercises are effective for building muscular strength and power, and burning fat. While the kettlebell swing and high pull have a lot in common, there are a few differences that characterize each exercise. Kettlebell Swing Execution To perform a kettlebell swing, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart straddling a kettlebell. With your arms extended, squat down to grasp the handle with an overhand grip. Straighten your back, stabilize your core, and then lift the kettlebell off the floor by standing slightly. Swing the kettlebell upward by pressing through your heels to straighten your knees and forcefully extending your hips -- the momentum to swing the kettlebell should come from your lower body rather than your arms and shoulders. As the kettlebell begins to descend, drop back into the squat position and swing it back between your legs, and then immediately swing it forward again. High Pull Execution For a high pull, stand straddling the kettlebell with your legs wider than shoulder-width. With your arms extended, lower into a squat to grasp the weight with an overhand grip. Straighten your back and stabilize your core muscles, and then lift the kettlebell off the floor by forcefully extending your legs and hips. As the weight reaches your knees, lift your elbows up and outward to powerfully pull the weight up to your neck. Pause at the top of the movement, and then lower the weight back to the floor. Muscles Worked Both the kettle bell swing and high pull are effective for working several muscles throughout the body, but each puts more emphasis on different muscle groups. The initiation phase of the kettlebell swing engages the back muscles, which you use throughout the movement. At the halfway point, the abdominal muscles primarily activate and the gluteal muscles engage for the second half of the swing. The high pull targets the lower body during the first phase of the exercise, but then utilizes the muscular power from your arms, back and shoulders to pull the weight upward during the second phase of the exercise. Equipment Kettlebell swings, obviously, require the use of a kettlebell. You can substitute a dumbbell if necessary, but it might make the swing more difficult. However, you can perform high pulls using a kettlebell, a barbell, a dumbbell or even a resistance band if necessary. This gives you a bit more flexibility so you dont have to necessarily buy a specific piece of equipment. Considerations Due to the dynamic nature of these exercises, they can both be potentially dangerous. Its crucial that you maintain proper form when performing the exercises or back injury may result. Play it safe and start out with lighter weights until you can comfortably perform the exercises. Gradually increase your resistance as your strength and coordination improve. Take extra care with maintaining form at the end of your sets when fatigue starts to set in, as this is when your muscles are most vulnerable to injury.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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