This is a question for all you animal lovers. So about 3 weeks ago - TopicsExpress


This is a question for all you animal lovers. So about 3 weeks ago my dog was in heat, during all this time shes been around an non fixed male dog...since friday night my dog has been weird. Friday we noticed her belly getting a little larger and hard, but shes not lactating at all. Then yesterday (saturday) she was leaving trails behind her of clear liquid (not pee), and it was like it was just leaking out as she walked...well she slowly started to get weak, at about 5 pm yesterday she was puppy bed ridden. She would just lay there and not wanna move. Shes a chihuahua mix, and any chihuahua owner knows they bark at everything and think they are queen of the castle, but she wasnt doing that. I walked in the house (mind you she normally comes running and jumping all over me) & she wouldnt even move. When i walked up to her the doggy pillow and her whole lower end was covered in clear liquid and at this moment it had a tint of blood in it. She was hot to the touch and her heart was racing, you could see it without even touching her. Now today (sunday), she drank a little tiny bit of water and still wont eat and is still just laying there. I put her in the kennel last night so she wouldnt go under my bed. Now my issue is, is my dog pregnant and having really long labor signs or is something seriously wrong. Ive been tossed back and forth between , shes pregnant , maybe shes dibetic and her sugar dropped to shes dying and i need some outside opinion. I hand fed this dog from a pup and had her over 7 years, shes my daughter and its tearing me apart. Please help.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:21:57 +0000

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