This is a quote from Harry Reid on Fri and its ridiculous. “I - TopicsExpress


This is a quote from Harry Reid on Fri and its ridiculous. “I want everyone to listen and to hear: The United States Senate has acted,” Reid said on the Senate floor Friday. “This is the only legislation that can avert a government shutdown, and that time is ticking as we speak.” How do you say the Senate has spoken when The House spoke first and you changed their bill. Just cus its not your plan doesnt mean its a bad one. I think that the House is listening to us voters as apposed to doing what ever they think is best. Poll after Poll after Poll shows that the American people dont want Obama care & the fact that The President has delayed 40+ of the 80 parts shows its a bad bill. I dont get how its bad for Congress, and big business and the insurance companies, and the labor unions but its fine for the average Joe and small business owners. Get a clue Harry Reid listen to the people instead of the pres and your campaign contributors. Hey Desiree Michel you should read this. It kind of goes w/what your rant was saying
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 19:20:41 +0000

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