This is a real, honest to god, conversation I had this morning at - TopicsExpress


This is a real, honest to god, conversation I had this morning at the gym, almost perfectly verbatim. Guy: Im about to start hittin it hard again. Gonna get back on the stuff I was taking before, and start lifting like I used to. Me: What were you taking? Guy: Its called (product name). Made me super strong. Put on lots of size when I was taking it. Me: What is it? Guy: Not real sure. Me: You dont know what it is? Guy: Its got protein and a bunch of other stuff in it. Me: But whats the other stuff. Guy: Dont know. Some Russian stuff. Me: But you dont know what it is, or what it does? Guy: No, but I got big when I was on it. It has like a thousand calories per serving. Me: So youre taking this stuff that has a thousand calories, almost half an entire days worth of calories, and you dont even know what it is? Guy: Well, I was getting big and strong when I was taking it. Me: Were you working out harder at the time? Lifting more, and more often. Guy: Yeah, I was hitting it hard every day. Me: Dont you think thats why you were getting results? Not because of your mystery powder? Guy: Nah, I know that stuff works because my friend takes it too, and hes pretty big. Me: Does he work out a lot? Guy: Yeah, he hits it hard every day.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:02:16 +0000

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