This is a really interesting chapter XD: CHAPTER 4 Everything - TopicsExpress


This is a really interesting chapter XD: CHAPTER 4 Everything was quiet for just a moment, Daisuke flinched. He stared at Eita with wide unblinking eyes. Eita stared back without a single movement either. Is he the enemy? Or is he an ally? He thought. Eita slowly moved past Daisuke. He pointed his gun at Satsuki. Daisuke watched, he tried not to miss a single moment. Eita pressed the trigger on the gun, the bullet pierced through Satsuki. There was no blood. Her wounds began to heal up at a rapid rate. Eita pointed his gun at Choko. “Seriously…even if you were the top candidate to defend this place from SINs… you’re just a little girl that was sent here from the past.” “Wait! She is from the past?” “Duh…So am I…approximately 500 years.” Eita fired again, Choko’s wounds healed up as well. He kneeled down and picked up Satsuki from the ground. He turned around and headed for the staircase. “H-h-hold it…I can still fight…” “Idiot…I came here to save you from your stupidity and that’s all you give me…this power is not for killing people…” Satsuki had closed her eyes and drifted off. Eita turned his head slightly to look at Daisuke, but then walked off disappearing into the shadows of the stairs. Choko slowly lifted herself from the ground holding her head. She placed her head on Daisuke’s lap. There was no more strength left in her to move. Daisuke slowly picked her up on his back and carried her with him back home. “Eita and Satsuki…are they don’t seem to be our enemies…” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The day was Saturday which meant there was no school. Choko had recovered from yesterday’s fight. The both of them planned to head to check out the theme park that was in the area. Daisuke had no clue that Choko was from the past, it made him more worried. It meant that she had no clue about the world today. Daisuke thought it would be a great opportunity to go to a theme park for Choko to experience something new. “Daisuke, Daisuke! What’s that?” “That’s a rollercoaster.” “Can we try?” “Sure!” Daisuke had tried to get Choko to experience many new things that she has never done before from different foods to attractions. Choko happily walked through the park, it was not until she bumped and fell down. She hit into someone, it was a girl. “Ow-ow-ow….” Both girls got up. Daisuke turned his head from Choko to the girl then to the guy. It was Satsuki and Eita. They were both at the park as well. “Daisuke!” Satsuki, out of instinct, jumped on top of Daisuke crushing him with a hug. Choko tried to pull Satsuki off Daisuke and Eita just stood there watching. “What are you guys doing here?” “I wanted to show Eita how different life is in the future, but I am glad to see you, Daisuke.” Eita and Choko stopped suddenly and looked to their left. Both of them felt uneasy about something. The fire alarm in the theme park went off and people started to make a run for it. Daisuke managed to push Satsuki off and stand up. They all knew what was coming. “A peccata mortalia is coming.” They all watched as a giant hand crushed the rollercoaster ride and stood up giving a large roar. Choko and Eita ran towards the SIN getting ready to fight it. Satsuki had gotten up from the ground. She had a look in her eyes almost animalistic. A bright glow brought out her spear she headed towards the fight as well. Daisuke knew he could not be left behind he chased after Satsuki to go after the SIN before more trouble is caused in the theme park. As Daisuke reached around the corner, something slammed into the water balloon stand. It was Choko, she was slightly wounded, grabbing onto her staff she lifted herself off the ground and ran towards the SIN. “Daisuke, come on!” Eita was firing bullets from his shotgun, but not once did he need to reload his bullets. Satsuki was jumping up into the air firing off bolts of electricity from her spear. None of their attacks were working. Daisuke swung his sword into the leg of the SIN. It was thick. The blade did not even make a single scratch. He was hit into the giant pool. Choko launched crystals at the monster. None of this is working…Daisuke thought. “We need to work together!” “With this little girl…I think not!” “Well you can buzz off!” Choko and Satsuki angrily stared at each other launching their attacks trying to hit each other instead of the SIN. Eita quickly backed off next to where Daisuke is standing. Choko and Satsuki both get hit into Eita and Daisuke making them all fall into the pool. “OK! WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER! NO MORE COMPLAINING!” “What do you suggest?” “Eita, can you hit it hard enough with your gun?” “If I aim properly…” Daisuke grabs Choko and Satsuki’s arm and ran forward with them. Eita pointed his gun at the SINs face. His gun fired a huge blast right into the SINs eyes knocking it backwards. Daisuke quickly pushed Choko and Satsuki forward. “Choko, Satsuki! Do it!” The two of them jumped on top of the SIN and ran up towards its face. Daisuke and Eita stood and watched as Satsuki and Choko jumped up into the air. “Crystal Spear!” “Electric Crush!” Choko’s crystals and Satsuki’s electricity blasted right through. The combined attack from the two managed to destroy the SIN. Its body slowly disappeared into nothingness. Both of them landed on the ground as everything slowly reverted back to normal. “It’s finally over!” Daisuke was relieved that it finally ended. Eita turned towards Daisuke and Choko. There was a moment of silence. “Choko, you haven’t changed, still strong as usually, unlike your useless partner. Maybe I should kill him right now so you don’t have to deal such a weakling.” Eita’s gun was pointed at Daisuke’s head. Daisuke reacted in an instant. He pushed the gun away to punch Eita in the face, but he landed his leg into Daisuke’s gut making him fall to the ground. Daisuke held his stomach looking at Eita’s foot as he kicked him away. Just one hit, JUST ONE HIT! He thought. Daisuke ran towards Eita. Eita’s fist was about to land a hit onto Daisuke, but suddenly Daisuke disappeared right behind Eita. As Daisuke was about to land a hit, a guy wearing a uniform from Daisuke’s school stopped grabbed his hand. “That was close.” A girl appeared from the trees. She walked up to everyone and held up her bracelet and pointed at the guy’s as well. “Don’t worry everyone, it’s just a play.” The girl’s voice sounded convincing as she was able to get the whole crowd to look and walk away. Daisuke slowly lowered his fist and Eita stood back up. “We all need to get along if you want to be able to stop the SINs from spreading.” The guy disappeared and appeared next to the girl. All of them stood straight up hoping not to get yelled at anymore. “Kira! We are leaving. I will see you all in school. I won’t tell you what my name is. Daisuke, Choko, and Satsuki make sure you behave.” The two of them disappeared on the spot. They were all shocked as they split off from each other. Daisuke and Choko were trying to think of who those two were on the way back home. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monday had come around. Daisuke was still trying to figure out who was the girl. He felt like he had seen her before, but nothing comes to mind. “Class, we have an assembly today! Everyone let’s head to the gym.” “Come on Daisuke, trying to figure out who that girl was won’t do us any good.” “She is somewhere in this school, but where?” The assembly had ranted on for a long time, but eventually the principal of the school finally ended his long speech about revolutionizing the school. “And now as the principal, I would like to re-introduce you to our president!” “Wait a minute…” Daisuke finally remembered as a girl walked up to the podium. He lifted his head up and both of their eyes meet. Choko’s and Satsuki’s faces were in shock when they realized who it was. “Hello everyone! Let me re-introduce myself.” Her name was…He thought. “My name is….” Both the girl and Daisuke were in-sync. The words that came from both of their mouths matched. Daisuke had whispered it to himself and the girl said it to everyone in the audience. “Himoura Akasuka.” CHAPTER END ~ Buizel
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:44:48 +0000

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