This is a reflection of what I have drilled into my brain. As I - TopicsExpress


This is a reflection of what I have drilled into my brain. As I was walking down the lane towards the city proper from pilar street, my sight savored nothing but only people around sitting alongside the naked street that has been muted sometime 3 days passed or so. Tired, exhausted, weary, drained, faltering, brimmed with hopelessness on their faces as I desolately watched their begging eyes wishing that somehow this war will end and they can take their quietude in their respective sanctuaries for good. I may not understand what they have been through with this experience exactly because I am for sure not in their shoe right then and now. Yet though, it might also be so hard to obscure that I do not portion my empathy to these people more aggravatingly as I chanced upon an old woman with her bag, I guess a parcel of clothes inside which she was able to bring with her, filthy and almost bent sitting distantly from the others. I can pretty tell how dreadful the situation took her and left with no choice but to entangle along the ride called “survival to the fittest”. I thought for a second, then I mirrored, this old woman doesn’t deserve this kind of plight. She has had enough of all the rubbishes of life beyond and more, that, now she deserves nothing else but comfort and graces. Suddenly, rage engulfed my diamond heart, wanting to influence kindness but was so helpless because I cannot change the “reality”. The reality that this “damn war” has brought upon us and so I abhor it! People would never relate that it is never putting up a war to end a war in any part of the world. How do we rake just a simple teaching of life? A fire will never be put down by veiling another fire on it but instead we drizzle water to cease it. The situation has led us to believe that each of the combating group has a deep-rooted reason why they fight, because they adhere in something they stand to be right. But we are all lost, lost at the thought that we blame each other for causing this inexorable “Conflict of Principles”. Damn! For one thing, God created trees, mountains and oases but we aren’t contented and so we build houses and buildings, God gave light but we ignored it instead we managed another light, now we have “Power Corporation” like, “MERALCO” or “ZAMCELCO” whatsoever, God gave natural water but what have we done, we purified it, or maybe distilled, or perhaps, processed into alkaline, or what else we can experiment with the water, God gave land but we constructed fences and walls, God gave rain yet we established rooves, God gave ocean and rivers but we generated our own pools, God planted paradise, we produced cities with tall infrastructures and called it paradise, God made heaven and earth to let us see the “difference” but we fail to do so, until now. Above all, God gave us “Wisdom” but we crave for “knowledge”. Have we not realized, that, not all similar are the same? That is why we have a “difference” to make. We fail to see the absence of “Differences” among us that is why we misjudge each other. Just between wisdom and knowledge, these two are similar but they aren’t the same, “wisdom understands the complexities and knowledge defines it”. How many times have we traveled outer space, the farthest we can reach? Have we known all the planets of the universe or even the details of the constellations of stars or their names, “Deneb”, “Sun”, “Atlas”, “Polaris”, “Pleione”, “Kentaurus”, “Australis”, “Borealis”, “Vega” and so many others. See? We have known all of these. But have we known our neighbors? I guess not a chance, if I am not mistaken, yet they are the closest living matter on space to us. We always find the gratification of searching the distance when we are always close to contentment. For all we know, UNDERSTANDING is something we do not have because we are to selfish to think that ‘WE ARE NOT ONLY CAPABLE TO LOVE BUT TO HATE AS WELL. God gave us wisdom for us ‘TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING’ and not “TO KNOW EVERYTHING”. After all, where else have the conflict started in this world? It started from Adam and Eve, if I can still remember. God wanted them “to understand” His “Simple Rule” that no matter what “Do not eat the Apple” but curiosity has driven them to disobey the rule of God certainly because they urged for the “knowledge” behind that Rule and they want to know everything. Simple logic lang era tamen man intendihan ya lang kita, kita kita lang man tamen aki ta keda na zamboanga man pelyahan pa gaud kosa ya… kOSA YA GAUD BEN MAKAPESTE!!!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 08:08:22 +0000

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