This is a response to the article about Nassim Haremein Let me - TopicsExpress


This is a response to the article about Nassim Haremein Let me introduce myself briefly - As research scientist in biotechnology my thinking were radical as I approached very difficult highly commercial national high priority research and made progress. This fetched me jobs in multinational companies. But what I saw in test tubes shacked the foundation on which I stood and also disturbed my consciousness and prompted me for a search to know truth of life. In 1986 I quit my job, and in 1987 on the eve submission of doctoral thesis, when I was forced to choose between my consciousness or position in academic world, I chose to break loose from Plato’s chair of science. Since then I lived in an interior village helping my parents and making farming my means of lively hood. Here in nature I began to see dramatically different vision of life and began to realize the fallacy on which modern biotechnology is built – looking for its root led me to theoretical physics. I read great minds and their conceptual thinking. This also began to reveal the great fundamental questions and paradoxes that physicist left behind as they approached to capture nature into predictable mathematical constructs and exploit nature than understand her. It was surprising to realize that we do not know what property gives gravity. Why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies always is 3, why wave particle duality, why gene is triplet code, why DNA helical, why pairs of genes, why pairs of chromosomes, why mitosis and meiosis – the question is unending. We in our mathematical quest have created more question than answers and taken truth of nature farther from common man. Is nature this complex? Can we not visualize a simple PRINCIPLE AND DESIGN on which the building block of nature and the whole universe works. Within a short time free from Plato’s chair, free in nature, she began to show the pages of her book and reveal the simplicity However, I failed to grasp one thing, the origin and existence of the universe in time perpetually. Even this revealed in in all simplicity as I surrendered my ego and accepted my mind death. It is nearly two decades since this happened. But my problem is how do I reach back to people chained to Plato’s chair in great temples of science. I feel Nassim Haremein has depth in his vision. But he is misunderstood as he tries to present it to the people who chained to chairs of science. Scientist have ridiculed Farady, Mendel. Mayer, Hesisenberg to say few . All great new thoughts and thinking are opposed. If I am to put it in Max Planck’s word “A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it” Science came as a resistance and hope against self-centered evil religious people ruling humanity in the name of God. Today the religious people specially self, power and material centered people in it are becoming powerful under the failure of scientist to make nature and its comprehension simple and sensible to common man. It is time for scientist to drop their ego and come together. I also live in the same situation as Nassim Haremein and probably in total helpless condition. But I keep faith in my conscious call and look for a time when common people will shear the foundation of modern theoretical physics and restructure and take knowledge of Nature and God to Higher level. Here is a link that share my thought scribd/doc/241535317/Re-Imagination-of-Gravity-and-Electromagnetism
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 06:14:27 +0000

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