This is a retort by a Jewish guy to a Zionist in a discussion on - TopicsExpress


This is a retort by a Jewish guy to a Zionist in a discussion on Palestine on FB. I had to share because it is brilliant. Curt Yves Dee-Daran Yovav - Fortunately for you most people know the difference between Judaism and Zionism, Judaism is a peaceful faith and Zionism is a Cult of Evil. You are a Zionist, please tell the world, what is it like to wake up everyday with hate and evil in your heart?. What does is it feel like to be a Racist Zionist Nazi?. Your poor Jewish ancestors who were unfairly brutalised in WW2 must be ashamed of people like you, you have become worse than the Nazis who tortured your people. You have no soul, you have no conscience, you can only feel alive when you are killing women and children. You do not represent Judaism you represent a horrible curse in this world and the whole international community know this. You have to realise that for every child you murder, you create millions of enemies, you Zionist savages are the most hated people on earth and nobody but yourselves can tolerate you. In WW2 anybody who resisted Hitlers illegal occupation were seen as heroes, believe me, because of your brutal nazi executions of innocent women and children you are making Hamas legendary heroes, all around the world people are seeing them as Freedom Fighters, because they are. I do not wish anything bad on you, karma will take care of that. But I hope you will live to see the day when Palestine is free from your inhumane brutality. You will see Palestine grow and prosper while your society degenerates into anarchy, you will end up killing each other, because you are a confused and misguided people. May the Devil show you mercy when meet him, i doubt very much he will be kind to you. Finally, remember this....... The world is behind Palestine, we are all Palestinian. Just one more thing, killing Jesus was a bad idea. Shalom
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 21:12:08 +0000

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