This is a sad post of Jon Tuttle, my adopted uncle. August 27 - TopicsExpress


This is a sad post of Jon Tuttle, my adopted uncle. August 27 2013 He was at work Saturday Evening to resolve two trouble tickets from around the world. The first was at 11 PM and the second was at 2:15 AM Sunday. He handled the first but fell asleep on his office recliner. He passed away in his sleep before the second. He was found by his friend Mike, a security person who came on duty at 7 AM, August 25 2013. Jon was taken by Ambulance to the Hospital for Organ recovery. It was too late after he passed to help anyone else. Without a relative, Jon had designated his Attorney to see to his wishes. We are waiting to have a meeting with the Attorney to find out what his final plans are. We will post more as soon as we know. Jon’s Attorney provided the following information at a meeting this afternoon. August 28, 2013 Jon Tuttle was taken from the Hospital Morgue on Tuesday afternoon. Jon’s wishes were to be cremated. There is to be no funeral or memorial. He arranged for his ashes to be spread at the Four Corners. The Attorney said Jon had asked for the ashes to be scattered and had paid for an investigator to do the task since it had been prohibited in past cases. The Investigator was to arrive early or late to avoid the rangers on site. The Attorney offered us the last goodbye if we wanted to take over that task. He would refund the money for that trip as well as additional refund of funds not required. Aparently Jon had arranged this matter some time ago as my maiden name was mentioned in his will to be read in a couple of weeks. Jon’s Attorney explained that Jon had completed this matter in the past as he was given some unusual tasks at work that he couldn’t discuss. To my adopted Uncle Jon, we will miss you. August 31, 2013 We took his ashes to a dance that he once attended after keeping it going. We tried to nap but the 2 AM departure time didn’t give much rest. There were 7 of us. Mike, Lois, Molly, a tall woman named Sandra I just met, Marie, John and myself. Driving to the Four Corners; We arrived just after 6 AM. The sun wasn’t up yet, there was a sliver of the moon in the Eastern sky. The drive gates were left open we drove in around the monument which was locked. Of the four large Styrofoam containers, one given to someone to take to each state corner. We left in groups to be in position at sunrise. As the first rays of sunlight I slowly poured my cup of ashes into the light breeze. All but a small amount left in the bottom. I reached down and scooped a small handful of New Mexico adding it to the few ashes left. I put the cover on tight saying my good bye quietly standing there. As the sun cleared the horizon John and I returned to the parking lot. We quietly got back into the autos for the return trip. Mike leading the way, we stopped for coffee at a truck stop. Nobody had anything to say to anyone else; each in their own thoughts. . We quietly got back into the autos and returned to Albuquerque losing Mike, as we turned off to take Marie home. At home I felt pangs of guilt over not leaving all Jon’s ashes. What right did I have to keep part of him? I guess I cried myself to sleep.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:23:43 +0000

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