This is a short study on what YHWH actually says re marriage, - TopicsExpress


This is a short study on what YHWH actually says re marriage, divorce, remarriage etc. 1st Corinthians 7 is very clear on YHWHs position and instructions for us. As stewards of His Kingdom I believe that it is very important that we all understand what He says in relation to these matters from His Word and not what is acceptable to the church or what is embraced by the world. As stewards of His Kingdom we must be able to share His Truth with our brothers and sisters or we will be held accountable as per Ezekiel 33:3 If our spirit contradicts His Word it is likely that we are being deceived by the father of all lies, who masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 while portraying himself as an angel of light he manipulates our emotions with heart felt feelings hence how he has successfully lead the entire world astray. Why did Abba give us His written Word? So we can discern the TRUTH from satans very convincing lies, who we are told in Mark 13:22 would perform signs and wonders to lead astray if possible even the elect. Did you know that satan counterfeits everything YHWH has done? This includes His ruah quodesh (Holy Spirit) spiritual gifts such as tongues, prophecy, he can heal people, and perform many lying signs and wonders hence how he finds it so easy to deceive the masses. We can ONLY discern His TRUTH by using His Word and not relying on our spirit which could in fact be the spirit of satan and his lies. It is not legalistic it is just the Truth. Truth is Truth no matter who believes it. As Dr Chuck Missler says your interpretation of His Word will depend on your hermanutics. My personal hermanutics is very literal and I believe that every dot, word and space in between the word is inspired by YHWH and is to be taken VERY seriously. More than anything I want to ensure that I am living my life according to the will of YHWH and not of the will of the church or the world.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 04:11:13 +0000

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