This is a shout out to all progressive voters. Its important - - TopicsExpress


This is a shout out to all progressive voters. Its important - please read it right through. Tomorrow is our real Moment of Truth. Yes, we have to take the polls with a grain of salt. They dont call landlines. They still show 11 - 15% per cent undecided voters and that is not reported that with the results. Polls dont change the facts but they do help focus the mind: Te Tai Tokerau: What John Key and Winston Peters have done this week is remind progressive voters - including Labour voters in TTT - that a vote for Kelvin Davis is a vote for National. Its as simple as that. Hone Harawira is clearly ahead in independent polling (see Daily Blog exclusive today). As Hone has said: “The people of Tai Tokerau have had so much taken from them already, their land, their waters and their jobs. Now some party leaders want to take away their right to freely choose their next MP, and that’s just not right.” Your Party Vote: If you want me back in Parliament then you must give Internet MANA your Party Vote. You cant rely on other people to do that for you. Remember that your Party Vote is a vote for a Party List. An Internet MANA Party vote is a vote for Laila Harre, Annette Sykes, John Minto (3%) and Chris Yong and Miriam Pierard (4.5%). Weigh that up against the option of an extra couple of Labour and Green MPs. We will work with Labour and the Greens, but only if we are there. So whanau - its decision time. Not an easy one for some I know. With the fight on to stop the TPPA, expose the inner workings of the establishment, and confront inequality and old economy thinking head on we need a few hardened fighters in Parliament after Saturday. Thats what your Party Vote for Internet MANA will deliver.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 20:42:53 +0000

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