((This is a slice of life/psychology rp)) [News report] Just - TopicsExpress


((This is a slice of life/psychology rp)) [News report] Just recently, a patient from the MAI - Mental Asylum Institute, has been reported missing as of yesterday. He is described as extremely pale and very noticeable. Please, do not wander around any place suspicious nor stay out after dark whilst this patient is still at large. Reports have stated that he seems like a nice guy when spoken to, however any mutual feelings or any contact of the sort that would perhaps change the males psychiatric state will cause you harm. We repeat, stay wary and at home after dark. ~*~*~ It was around 9 oclock at night, winter, in the UK. Thr streets were fairly empty, and news had just gotten out that a certain patient from the MAI had just recently escaped. Londons headlights would flicker dimly in the vast empty, darkness as few vehicles and black taxis would whizz past. Amongst those empty streets was a rather vibrantly dressed, thin figure. That figure abruptly froze and turned slowly - revealing ghostly-pale, snow-white skin. On the pure white skin was a large smile, of which the male absent mindedly bared his teeth for show. Grinning almost. His thin brows would furrow mockingly as hed tilt his head back slightly and bellow, MAN IT FEELS GOOD OUTSIDE! . Clearly, whoever this male was, he wasnt very informed with what was normal and not normal in todays society. After all, it wasnt every day that someone would be wandering around the streets of London yelling out freely what was on their mind, right? Nonetheless, this male didnt seem to care what others thought of him. His fashion statement obviously adding to this unstated claim. He wore; a bright orange jacket of which had an odd, monster-like design on the hood giving off a somewhat perky but rebellious state of nature. This of course would be complimented well by his quite vibrant amber eyes - which seemed to gaze eternally into anothers eyes once eye contact was made; even if it WERE for a brief moment. This bright and painfully obvious jacket was accompanied by rather dull green coloured pair of gloves which he kept on at all times - as to why he did so, this was yet to be revealed. And to top it off, dark skinny jeans and heavy combat boots which would have neon orange strips running down either side. ~*~*~ The male could then be seen bending over for a good long minute or so, before suddenly flinging back his upper body and screaming once more, THIS TOTALLY SUCKS!! . What sucked? The fact that he had no where to go. Why did he have no where to go? Well it all started when- Just kidding. Thats for /you/ to figure out. The vibrant male then twitched on the spot, someone had been observing him. ((Need a bystander/civillian or an officer of the law~))
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:52:17 +0000

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