This is a sort of long rant about how the government is taking - TopicsExpress


This is a sort of long rant about how the government is taking over our medical treatment - this isnt hear-say - this is straight from the Docs Visit this afternoon - Now the Doc wasnt too please about this either, since it is more restrictions on them and more paper work - but please read this - it will scare the illness right out of you - WOW! Went to the Docs Office today because they called me in - seems a couple of my prescriptions had expired and they had to see me before they could renew them - The nurse comes in with a three page document that reads AGREEMENT for controlled medication treatment, so there would be no misunderstandings about the pain killers Ive been taking for the past seven years for some nerve damage from neck surgery...The first thing that caught my eye was c. I will not use any illegal controlled substance, including marijuana, cocaine, etc. as this is a criminal offense. Well, Duh! Then it required me to use only one pharmacy and that I attend scheduled office visit appointments that could be monthly or as determined necessary (which means another Co-Pay)..On down a bit further it restricts prescriptions for multiple refills, meaning each time it runs out I have to go to the Docs Office and get a new prescription (which means another Co-pay). On top of this my wife can no longer pick up my pain meds - only I can do that! And then the Biggy hit - TOXICOLOGY SCREENING! I am supposed to agree to random urine toxicology screenings in order to comply with GOVERNMENT and DEA REGULATIONS, and will be financially responsible for any changes. Now if any evidence of illegal substances turn up in the urine test,, it will be reported to the local law enforcement. I can also be called in at any time for a freakin PILL COUNT - so much for taking it as needed! AND I have to bring in the pill bottles (original containers) whether they have medication in them or not. Oh and if by some chance TSA decides to discard my medications at the airport, they cant be replaced. And then there is AGENCY COLLABORATION - not sure about that either. For all you folks who think Obamacare is the ticket, you may want to take another bus next time you go to the Doc - This is pure and simple government control of the people - it is an invasion of privacy disguised as a way to slow down drug sales of cocaine and meth - I dont use either one - I guess when enough of us who live in pain every hour of the day start to hurt bad enough, the government will find out it wasnt a very smart idea...but then most of us in this situation are getting older so who in the government gives a damn any way....Crows
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:21:47 +0000

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