This is a story of a very together and independent ninety two year - TopicsExpress


This is a story of a very together and independent ninety two year old lady who was moving into a nursing home. Since she was legally blind and her husband of seventy years had just passed away, the move was her only option. She waited in the lobby of the facility for a very long time before finally being told that her room was ready. As she was escorted down the corridor, her attendant described the room, down to the curtains hung on the windows. I love it, the elderly lady enthused. But you havent even seen the room yet. Just wait, the attendant responded. That doesnt have anything to do with it, she replied. Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesnt depend on how the furniture is arranged. Its how I arrange my mind. Arrange your mind ahead of time so that the challenges of today dont determine the joy and peace you would experience today. Have a nice day youll.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:17:53 +0000

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