This is a story that I feel needs to be shared throughout the - TopicsExpress


This is a story that I feel needs to be shared throughout the parrot community. You can follow the story on Passion 4 Parrots FB group. A Harrowing Story This is the harrowing story of the events last night when a pensioner aged 75 was pinned to the floor in his own home and the African Grey called Molly who he has looked after for well over a year was taken screaming and biting the woman who snatched her. The events are as follows, the pensioner living in Denton, Derbyshire having lost his wife two years ago attended a show in the East Midlands where he saw Parrot Aid of Derby who advertised themselves as a Charity were showing parrots and taking donations. Stan who had long been interested in these beautiful creatures had a long conversation with parrot aids Candie Bradley and left his phone number after telling her he would like to get involved, a while after he had a phone call to attend a show and help with the birds (he was so happy) and his daughters were happy that he could find an interest now in life after the loss of his wife. A while later he was given Molly to look after and the bird thrived on the attention that Stan devoted to her, then in front of other Parrot Aid members Stan was told that because he had done such a good job with Molly (she was in poor condition when he received her with loss of feathers that have now fully returned and talks for England) that Molly could stay with him. He has had Molly insured for the last year from his own pocket and has paid for all seed toys and cage, he took the bird to the vet yesterday to have the bird chipped because he was worried in case the bird went missing, only to be told by the vet that the bird was already chipped. The vet obviously contacted the registered owner who must have contacted Candie Bradley and I would assume not happy if bird was supposed to be in her care, Then last night while Stan was alone in the house Candie Bradly and her helper who lives with her Mick Beresford knock on his door and as door was unlocked let themselves in and told him they were taking bird. Mick Berresford who is in his forties grabbed Stan around the neck and duped him on the floor and held the a frightened pensioner who was trying to protect himself while Candie Bradley grabbed a screaming frightened bird from the top of her cage and made out the door with a screaming Molly ringing in Stan’s ears followed by this lout who only picks on pensioners leaving Stan hurt and bleeding from a cut on his arm and in pain due to having had a bad back for a long time. The police were called and will look into it but were uncertain if anything could be done as it is an ex serving soldiers word against theirs, this is truly disgusting behaviour from people that are supposed to care about parrots and people that have helped cart all their equipment and birds to shows for 12 months plus. This is not my first encounter with this so called Charity that are not registered and the Evil ways of Candie Bradley and monies collected not used for the good of the species we all adore so much, and to pull this stunt with a pensioner who is left crying and devastated from his substitute wife is so appalling and incredible when they knew what Molly meant to Stan. I will keep you all informed as more events unfold, Stan is at Hospital today but is so down hearted that he could be treated in such a manner and people just barge into his home without even a phone call first and he is so devastated that his partner Molly has gone and not even been allowed to say goodbye and that she wont be there to greet him home.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:52:54 +0000

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