This is a story that has stuck with me for about 15 years. I was - TopicsExpress


This is a story that has stuck with me for about 15 years. I was not the one who had the encounter; it was my father who had it and reminded me of it constantly, and always with a look that scared me even to this day as I think of it. My father was in no way shape or form a saint of a man. However, he was a man who was very black and white in thinking. If he saw, felt, smelled, tasted, or heard it himself, he believed it. Other than that, it was probably not true. That is what made this so eerie to me. March 23, 1996 was the day it happened. We lived on the Stockton Ranch in Eldorado, Texas. My brother, sister, mother, and I had left the ranch and headed into town for some groceries while my father opted to stay home. We had been gone for about five hours when we returned home at around 10:00 p.m. to find my father sitting outside in the driveway smoking what appeared to be almost an entire pack of cigarettes as well as had downed roughly a 12 pack of Coors light. The drinking was not new. What was new was the fear on his face as we pulled up. He was a mans man who in my entire life showed fear, that I saw, only once. This was it. He told us that it was a little after six while he was watching the local news that he felt a presence watching him from outside the house. He explained how as he looked at the front door it slowly opened and three cloaked figures stood at the entrance. He then went on to say that he was paralyzed by these figures because they spoke to him without speaking. They spoke directly to his mind. He was told in a distorted voice, as if the three of them were speaking in unison saying, Do not fear me, I am here to warn you of yourself. They came in and, as he explained, did not walk. They floated. He said they were about four inches off the ground and he could not see their feet because of the cloaks. As they approached, he noticed their faces. They had faces with no features. Like blank masks with no distinguishing features. They stopped feet from him and continued to hover. He then questioned them, asking them what they wanted from him? Were they real? Why him? He then heard and saw their response. They wanted nothing from him. That he was their experiment. He was watched his entire life and he was almost done with the experiment. As for the realness of the whole thing, he said they lifted furniture and carried it around the room by just looking at it. They had rearranged the room entirely differently than what it was when he sat down to watch the news. They continued to show him what he was by placing a bleach-white hand on his head and showing him his future, his funeral, his grandchildren. He said at the sight of all this he fell to the ground, vomited and began crying. Then the voices told him that he would be best to leave his residence and take us all away from there because The Evil was closing in on him and his family and that it would stop at nothing to hurt us all. The strangers then told him that their time was running out as was his and that this warning was in his best interest. He was again paralyzed as the three strangers floated out of the home. As the door closed, he says he saw a bright red flash outside. He was instantly able to move again and ran out to see the an empty yard in the moonlight. He then said he grabbed his 12 pack of beer and sat outside to look for the red flash in the sky until we arrived home to find him, a vomit stain, and a living room that had been rearranged. He said it felt like it was hours passing while they were there, but when they left the news was still on which is a 30-minute show. Three years almost to the day my father was found in a friends garage with a single self-inflicted gunshot to the head from a .22 magnum. The man whose garage he died in answered all questions the police had for him. He said my dad was staying with him until the morning when he was sober, since he was drunk and in no condition to drive home. The man had invited him in, but my dad said he would sleep on the couch in the garage and leave early, not waking the man and his family when he left. The man agreed and went to bed. The same man was home at the time and reported that he heard no gunshot in the night. Nor did any of the neighbors. To this day I fear that I may one day see these same three strangers. Taken from paranormal.about archives
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:03:40 +0000

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