This is a taste of my Armchair Horror SiFi Futuristic Political B - TopicsExpress


This is a taste of my Armchair Horror SiFi Futuristic Political B Rated Novel I am working on since it has become sadly evident to me, that mankind cant handle political reality, so I will write something totally out there that the dumbed down masses can rap their tiny minds around...Fiction! Introduction: America had fallen due to the apathy and complacency of the dumbed down masses. The masses had become addicted to the government controlled media and the meager entitlements they had been brainwashed to believe was the worlds only hope. The brain dead masses had no idea of the crimes committed against them. Their food was poisoned and their illusion of freedom and safety was about to be shattered, and their darkest nightmares were about to become reality. The Great Experiment in Social Engineering dubbed The Stupefying Of Man had been the greats social engineering feat in recorded history. Now the great culling was about to begin and the dumbest of the dumbed down masses were about to come face to face with horror that would terrify even those darkest dreamers. Chapter One Reality Slips Away… The freedom the world once knew was gone and was replaced with media illusions that told the masses they were living in a time of great freedom. All they needed to do was sign up and agree to the Ameriglobal People’s New World Order and all their worries would be gone and they would forever live without worries. The AmeriglobalPNO site had become the only server site available. No more Yahoo, no more AOL, no more Amazon, Comcast or any other server site existed, just the corporate governments site. The internet had been taken over by the government in the early part of the 21st century for the safety of the people and to ensure national security. The people had been conditioned to the point that they believed everything the corporate media told them. Questioning authority had been outlawed and all citizens had to be micro-chipped and all citizens had to buy internet access and a government approved computer. They also had to buy health insurance and had to visit the people’s health center once a month for mental and physical evaluation. Anyone who refused became a terrorist threat and was rounded up and placed in a FEMA re-education center. There were still people that had not totally lost their humanity that were allowed to live amongst the general population, but they were an endangered species forced to keep a very low profile. Living in squalor in cardboard dwellings because no one could hire them by law because they refuse to buy what the government demanded. They eked out life living on table scraps thrown away by the government elite. One young girl could not stand aside any longer and watch the down trodden and destitute suffer in the cold. Her name was not important to the government as the People’s Patrol rounded up those who would not comply with the government edicts. She was just swept up along with those she was trying to help. She had came down to the cardboard village of the down trodden to give them food and blankets. She knew this was risky, because the down trodden were considered criminal terrorist and very dangerous, but her compassion for the down trodden and her belief that her loving government would reward her kind efforts pushed her on. The Government didn’t want to hear her excuses or reasons for being amongst the rebel trash, nor did they care who she was or what her name was. She was just another piece of rebel dead meat to them. Less than a nameless human farm animal as far as the People’s Patrol was concerned… But she did have a name and her name was Tina but her friends called her Free because she was heavily into the Free movement in the early 2000s and she campaigned for Free Medical for all Americans and later for Free Internet and Computers for all the poor. She was a card carrying member of the Ameriglobal People New World Order and believed in community brotherhood and that all business should be employee owned so there was no more inequality. Everyone was a partner in all business and a brother and sister citizen in the community. Tina “Free” thought life was good and the government had finally evolved into a government of the people and a government to provide for the people. She would not believe her government was going to harm her in anyway. The Constitution had even been changed to, “A Government of the People and a Government that Provides for the better good of the People.” Yet there were still those in the New World Order society that would not comply and only wanted to escape the New American Order. Since the culling of freedom in the early 2000s when America’s first openly communist president had taken away the Rights of the American people to a trial and eliminated habeas corpus, and his puppets in the supreme court had decreed the government had the right to demand the people buy whatever the government deemed necessary for the security of the nation. The government had been creating new agencies like the TSA and the PPP (the People’s Police Patrol) and did so with little complaint from the masses. Eventually all policing was turned over to the New American People’s Federal Police Order…. And Order they did! The New American Order had given the President supreme authority and the power to enact edicts at his command without any other approval. The Senate and House had been deemed an “impedance and nuisance” harmful to the sovereignty and security of the nation, and were changed to only a suggestive branch of the government. The Federal Reserve now shared ruling power with the President and new voting laws had been enacted, that gave corporations a percentage vote. Since the people were all partners in all corporations they never said anything against this change that effectively destroyed the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The CEOs would cast their vote for President at the behest of the partners in the corporation, through a secret ballot, and it was strictly forbidden to speak with any other partner about your choice for president. Anyone caught telling a fellow partner who they voted for would be criminally charge with an illegal quorum charge, punishable by 10 years in a FEMA re-education center. Since everyone had been implanted with a micro chip and everything about them was recorded, no one ever spoke about their vote and assumed the CEO was voting in the best interest of the majority. But there was a much more diabolically hideous future for humanity and Tina was about to come face to face with her darkest nightmare. * Chapter Two Your God Master Returns To Earth They came from outer space where they had been exploring for millions of years, over 500 millions years in our time. They had come home by coincidence and decided to see if any life on their planet had survived, only to find it was dead now. They had come home to a dead world, but noticed their seeding had created a new live world, the planet Earth. Mars had been a thriving world 800 million years ago and complex life on Mars had been evolving for over 500 million years before that time. The Martian people had been evolving for over 50 million years before their planet started to die. Mars was cooling off and with that cooling of the nuclear core, their magnetic shield was weakening. Once they discovered the planets pending doom they put all their combined knowledge into space travel and finding a way to reheat the planets core. Life forms on Mars would start to die out within a 15 million year period if they could not stop the cooling, and within 30 million years no life would be able to survive on the planets surface, so they had to work fast. Their need for power had them taping into the planets nuclear core so they could create the crafts that could explore the Universe. But this was also quickening the cooling, and they knew it. They had to do it for two reasons. One was to see if there was anyway to re-energize the core, and to do that they had to tap into it. So there was no good reason not to harness the energy that would have escaped into the atmosphere. It was a doubled edged sword, one positive and one negative, but they had no choice. 15 million years sounds like a long time and plenty enough time to advance a space travel program, but at the time there were no other habitable planets in our solar system. Earth was still a gaseous volcano spewing hot planet 800 millions years ago and was only able to support the basic building blocks of Martian life. All other possible planets they had found were hundreds of thousands of light years away, and they didn’t have the ability to create a craft that could get there with them alive even with their long life spans of over a thousand years. But they did have the ability to explore our solar system and they did have the knowledge and ability to seed Earth with the basic building blocks of Martian life. Martians had evolved from fluid feeding life on Mars, and they had perfected a blood like substance that could maintain there lives for over a thousand years, they were almost immortal. But they were very susceptible to the Suns radiating light, so maintaining the Martian planets atmospheric magnetic shield was a life or death situation. Other life on Mars was not as sensitive and had been a food source for them so the decision was made to use that life to seed Earth with. They also needed more planetary core material to reintroduce into Mars’ core, so their trips to Earth would have two missions, to seed Earth and to extract core material and bring it back to Mars. This process extended Mars’ core and also cooled Earth so Martian life could begin to thrive there. The Core mining was working and was sustaining Mars but it would not protect them from what was headed their way. An asteroid had wandered into the solar system and was headed straight for Mars. With all their advanced science they were only able to deflect the massive asteroid and with a glancing pass it ripped away a devastating amount of the Martian atmosphere and the planet’s magnetic shield… The gravitational pull from the giant asteroid was a counter pull of the flow of the Martian nuclear core and had slowed down the flow hastening the cooling of the planet’s core… Life on Mars was doomed and the Martians had less than a million years to find another place to live or die forever. They had to find the solution to space travel and they finally did. They had evolved far beyond mans wildest dreams, so far advanced they could create life by splicing DNA. Creating a life form was a grade school assignment for the Martian children, so figuring out a way to explore the universe was just a matter of reassigning their priorities. Their work lasted hundreds of years before they had found the secret of magnetic dimensional warp drive. This allowed them to create a zero inertia bubble around the magnetic dimensional transmitter generator and tune in or out of this dimension like changing the channel on a radio. So by shifting the dimensional frequency in the front of the bubble high and shifting the back of the bubble’s frequency in a different direction, everything inside the bubble would head in whatever direction they wanted to go and all inside would never feel any motion. Since the bubble was no longer in this dimension, and having no mass since it was enveloped in its own space, greater than light speed was accomplished easily. This also made their craft invisible to everything outside the dimensional bubble they created. They had also perfected a way to see outside the zero inertia dimensional bubble that they were in…A receiver, which was the reverse of the generator and instead of generating a dimensional field bubble, it tuned into the dimension they would pass through. Without the receiver they couldn’t navigate or achieve the light speeds needed to explore the galaxy. Time dilation was still problematic, though slowed down 100 fold, because they were still slightly in and out of our dimension at times… and they did have to turn off the field once they arrived at their destination so they could explore. But they found if they went back to a point in space the same identical way they came, very little time if any was lost. It did depend on distance, so if they traveled across the galaxy and then back, or to another universe there would be some time dilation. Coming back to their point of origin was actually a coincidence. They were actually just passing through when they realized they had to pass through their old home system. So out of curiosity they wanted to see if anything was left of their home system, and low and behold they found that the seeds of life they had planted on Earth had blossomed and were fruitful and multiplied. But life was still very primitive and dangerous. Massive creatures had developed … Dinosaurs. But they had a plan to generate a more home like world that they could use to re-supply their crafts. You see this part of the galaxy really didn’t have a lot of organic resources the Aliens could use, but now that Earth had evolved to support life they had a ready to farm planet. They just needed to make some modification before they headed off to their original destination, and that was easily accomplished. Magnetic Dimensional Warp Drive had opened up a whole new multitude of life forms that man could never imagine. Just shifting dimensions allowed them to see mega ameba like space creatures that slithered through space like an ameba through water. Creatures so Alien that even Martians with all their advanced knowledge couldn’t believe or understand. Luckily there was no way any of them could survive outside their own dimension… The Martians had discovered nothing could survive outside its own dimension. Nothing could even materialize in another dimension, because it’s genetic make up was totally different. They could only travel through other dimensions briefly within the zero inertia bubble, because the moment it was shut off, they were back in their own dimension. The Creatures and Wonders of other dimension were tuned to their own unique resonating frequency, and there was no known way to over come that reality. But they also found other intelligent life in other dimensions, life even more advanced than they were, far more advanced, and this new life form shocked even the Martians. Humans had been controlled from their very creation. They were genetically engineered by their creator God/Aliens to be controlled. Humans were easily distracted and mentally manipulated to carry out whatever functions their masters wanted. To keep humans distracted from what was really important strange anomalies would be created, like disappearing plans and ships that would vanish without a trace. Then some major disruption or change in freedom or lifestyle would go unnoticed that would further control man. Of course the greatest distraction was yet to come for mankind. Because the millions of people who had disappeared over the millennia and chalked up to foul play or missing, were being used for hideous genetic experiments to further the making of humans and other creatures. Mankind was nothing more than a lab animal and farm animal to their creators. Just has man had domesticated wolves into dogs and wild buffalo into cows, humans were also domesticated by their God masters.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:40:26 +0000

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