This is a time at present of great awakening for me and many - TopicsExpress


This is a time at present of great awakening for me and many others around me. By this I dont necessarily mean some airy fairy spiritual meanderings of the mind or some hope of the world transforming overnight into some nirvana of peace and harmony. It is a time of great inner and outer upheaval and personal challenges for so many around me. I can only ever honestly speak from my own personal experience and I have zero interest in making statements or sharing to gain approval or support from anyone, nor do I claim to be right. I do experience an opportunity in this temporary human body to transcend the fight. Whether it be self judgement for smoking a cigarette or eating that block of chocolate or anger projected at the perceived greed or behaviours of others, I can use this powerful energy, life force, call it what you will in a benevolent way by just surrendering deeper to what is. This surrender can and has shone a light on unconscious drivers of behaviours that wanted to be seen or acknowledged or approved of and deeper than that didnt want to experience the flip side of loneliness, abandonment, aloneness etc. The true surrender of allowing fully the feelings we have tried for so long to avoid and a willingness to be exposed in them, lays a foundation of personal authenticity and Harmony of mind and heart that gives rise to true happiness, abundance, gratitude and forgiveness of self and others. So if you are struggling beneath the surface with anything in your life, be it relationships, work, finances, health, emotions and are putting on a brave mask and battling on or at the other end of the scale using numbing activity or considering suicide know I am here for you and can lead you home to your heart if you feel drawn to work with me. Life is short so best not to delay the possibility to live your absolute dream now, so message me if you are interested in supporting yourself and one of my great passions of guiding people back into their heart
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:31:12 +0000

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