This is a true story. It was love at first sight when the - TopicsExpress


This is a true story. It was love at first sight when the outcast PK met noblewoman Lotta in New Delhi. In five months he rode to Sweden to meet her again. - Love has a huge motivator . Several times I was so exhausted that I was lightheaded , says PK. 35 years ago sat Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia on the square in New Delhi and cartoon portraits of tourists. One day sat a blond woman down in front of him and he suddenly felt weightless. He was about to catch a cold ? It was like the laser cut through life. The next day she returned and once again it was as if the earth was vibrating . That evening bath PK, as he is called , to the knowledge God Ganesha to see her again before he knew who she was - his future wife. Was previewed in the fifth grade When PK was in fifth grade predicted the village astrologer in a palm leaf that he would marry a girl who did not come from the stem, not from the district, not from the province ... not even from the country. She would be musical , own jungle and be born in the ox characters. May I ask you a personal question , said PK when the blonde woman for the third time sat down opposite him for a portrait that she would send to his mother . If you were born in the ox sign? She said yes . - I started shaking , says PK. Are you musical I asked. Yes, I play the flute and piano . Have you jungle ? Yes, my father owns the forest , she replied . Then I got carried away and pointed to the sky. You are my destiny. It is definitely in heaven we will meet each other , I said . She probably thought I was crazy , but I said, You will be my wife . She was quiet, she was shocked. What shall we do now , she said . I said, Lets go home to my village . Traveled to his home village The woman left her friends and began the three days long train journey to Orissa, PK s , home village on the Bay of Bengal . As they passed the third station PK realized he did not know her name . She said she called Lotta . - Our daughter has been asking how I dared to go with a stranger , but it was such a strong feeling. We met on a spiritual plane , said Lotta . Her life was completely different PK : p Ann-Charlotte von Schedvin from Målsryd in the Västergötland forests are noble then her ancestor in the 1700s revealed a murder conspiracy against King Adolf Fredrik . The forest on the border between Boras and Svenljungavägen municipalities bought by her family for money that was included in the royal reward. As a child dreamed Lotta about to hit an elephant boy from Indias jungles, but her fantasies were more romanticized than PK s reality. Born as untouchable PK grew certainly up in the jungle on the east coast of India among elephants and monkeys, but he had pulled a raw deal in lifes lottery . He was a Dalit - untouchable , untouchable . When he asked the other kids if they wanted to play so they threw stones at him . If he happened to touch them as they ran to the river to wash. His mother consoled him with all the stones that were thrown at him would one day become the flowers. Late in the evening the couple arrived at Orissa. - When I came to PK s contract , I felt that I had come home , says Lotta . Father, I have come up with the woman I will marry , cried the PK when they reached the parental home . The father said : She was born in the ox sign? Yes, father , she is , said PK. When the father met Lotta , she had changed into sari and put a red dot on the forehead , which means you re married . In the traditional Indian way she bent in front of her fathers feet. - My father cried and said that he wished that my mom would have had to meet her. Married in their native village In PK s home village , they became husband and wife and the villagers blew the shells and played drums during the ceremony. After three romantic weeks in India traveled Lotta home to Boras . - I felt hopelessness. Lotta was in my thoughts every second. - It was painful . The idea was that I would return as soon as possible, says Lotta . They exchanged letters and when PK clearly studied at art school , he sold everything he owned and bought a bike. - I knew that the sun sets in the west so I started cycling in that direction. I did not know how far it was . I had no knowledge of geography. After three weeks in the Afghan mountains , he got his first puncture. A Belgian tourist unfurled their map on the ground and showed how far the PK had left. - It was even further away than I had thought. I thought Lotta lived in Switzerland. I already had so much pain in the butt that I could not sit on the toilet. What were you thinking when you rode ? - That I could for her. Otherwise I might as well have died . Love has a huge motivator . Several times I was so exhausted that I was lightheaded . Five -month trip Early morning May 28, 1977 , he saw an anemone for the first time. He had cycled across Indian mountains, through deserts of Iran and along the Black Sea coast. Along the way , he had signed hundreds of peoples portraits. He had hitchhiked through Europe and slept outdoors in subscription block forearm. When, after five months on bike back arrived in Gothenburg , he looked like a savage. His legs carried him barely , but when he stepped into the hostels toilet , he is prepared to turn back. The old man next to him, pulled out his teeth and took off her hair. PK screamed in fear and shouting at the police . Sweden must be a land of fakirs and black magic , he thought, at the sight of false teeth and wig. But when he met Lotta was fakir forgotten . - We cried uncontrollably both. I was overjoyed, says PK. He was happy now , but that had not always been so . In four years he had hankat way up the thirteen million inhabitants New Delhi. He studied art , but when scholarship money came , he slept on park benches or in custody. Tried to drown himself in the Ganges He was tired of life. On two occasions , he tried to drown himself in the holy river Ganges. Luckily , he had underestimated how good he is at swimming . At its third suicide attempt he lay across railroad tracks and whispered his last prayer . A tågpolis informed him that the train drivers went on strike and recommended PK to come back another day. - Maybe it was the sense that I would live a little longer. The only thing that kept hope alive was the horoscope. I fantasized that my wife would come to the prophet had said. Over time excelled PK porträttecknare . He signed the worlds first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova . He was in demand by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and invited home to her residence three times. It led to him got the coveted spot on the square in New Delhi and could afford food and shelter. And it was there that he met the 20-year old Lotta as bilaterally from Sweden in 22 days with three friends in a VW bus . Have two children and live in the forest Today, Lotta and PK two children - Emelie , 25, and Karl , 22. Family lives in a house in the middle of Sjuhärad forest but live as if they were closer to the equator. They wake before the sun went up and read the words of wisdom for each other. The glass house in the grounds meditate and do yoga . Their glass house is their private jungle - this grows bananas , cardamom, mango and other exotic plants . Lotta is a music teacher by profession. PK, who worked as an art teacher for many years , is engaged in IDSN (International Dalit Solidarity Network). They work for PK s core issue - the rights of Dalits . The family also runs several water projects in India and acquire school supplies to Indian schoolchildren. In Orissa , he has built several wells. Each time the PK go there on a visit , he is received as a hero. People confronted him with flowers, even those who threw stones at him as a child. - Just like mom said would happen , says PK.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 20:07:27 +0000

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