This is a very important picture...Mine and Mark Hunters story - TopicsExpress


This is a very important picture...Mine and Mark Hunters story goes like this... We met in kindergarten and went all through school together. He dated my best friends Leigh and Shawna in elementary school! A few years ago we became friends on here. I hadnt seen him in SEVERAL years. Our communication was well none lol. For a few years there were just occasional likes on a status or something. On June 5, 2013, I posted this picture and he liked it. It made me think of him and wonder how he was doing. As fate would have it around the same time I found a 4th grade picture I had of him and sent it to him. I simply asked how hed been doing and the rest is history. Once we began to talk it immediately became long chats daily. When we met in person for the first time in years we sat and talked 5 1/2 hours without stopping. We both knew there was something special there. I will never let him live down making me wait exactly a month of seeing each other for the first kiss, but I also know it was because he is a gentleman. I drove all my friends and family crazy with talking about mine and Marks conversations and I would screen shot them to read over and over again. I told my friends Mark and I would definitely only be friends and we were just gonna catch up lol..8 months later here I am Mrs. Hunter for the 3rd day lol. If he wouldnt have clicked like on this picture we wouldnt be here today. I now love this picture and very much so believe in whats meant to be will find a way of happening. Dont brush off a feeling you have, just do it!! The best decision of my life was sending Mark a message asking what hed been up to the past few years. I love you, Mark!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:08:08 +0000

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